Mike Perry, Frank Mir To Fight in Triangle Ring for Triller Triad Combat

triller just burning money

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the only half interesting name is perry, but mir headlining? gtfooh

Casuals will always respect the larger fighters more.

He’s a known name amongst the boxing crowd, as is Mike Perry.

Since when Is Frank Mir 19-3 ?

I’ll watch anything Mike Perry related.

Don’t know most these other guys, but I’m a sucker for gimmicks.

Triangle shaped ring? Come onn.


Fucking awesome. I’ll tune in

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just seen this, and there are many things to be curious about.

laughed quite hard when I read that Frank Mir is fighting Pulev. I wouldn’t claim to be a boxing buff, but I do know that real high level pro boxers are so much more dangerous than some mma guys think. Frank could get seriously hurt here. not a good idea.

Perry also does not have brain cells to burn. he has shown even less reason to believe he can box well. do you realise how obvious and limited he will appear to a legit title challenger? he will get blasted into space.

the only thing that can save either mma guy is the rules. they allow extra clinching apparently. so when they get hurt, both mma guys might scupper the fights, and drain all entertainment from the event by clinching and fucking around.

triller: profit


Meaty Meathead is on teh card

Oh Frank Mir, when did it all go wrong. For gods sake retire already. Somebody give Frank a job, please!

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They did as a commentator

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I’d pay to fight Lars.


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Main card (FITE TV at 8 p.m. ET)

Kubrat Pulev vs. Frank Mir

Matt Mitrione vs. Alexander Flores

Mike Perry vs. Sakio Bika

Derek Campos vs. Brian Vera

Albert Tumenov vs. Scott Simon

Steven Graham vs. Harry Gigliotti

Alexa Culp vs. Angelina Hoffschneider

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Briggs: Save it for the fight champ!

Yep as would I. I’d do that shit for free to boot!

Triller and Triad are the rat and roach infested shithole Denny’s off the highway in the middle of nowhere of combat sports.

Nice. Any rivers for tonight?

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Right let a brother know!