Mike Perry, Frank Mir To Fight in Triangle Ring for Triller Triad Combat

thats a different kind of character. fuck me, I’d be shitting my pants if I were in the Mir household. hope he’s OK.

In for Strëåmz if anyone finds one.
I will post some if I find/cum across any


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Yeah,I can normally find the events that are not UFC,Bellator,or the PFL.

*Chael’s Submission Underground is hard to find.

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A triangle shaped ring, pure genius. When fighting, the shape of the container you fight within is critical. I am hoping for a “Rumble in the Rhombus” event soon.

I didn’t realize Mike Perry was not UFC anymore. Seemed like one of those guys they would keep around because he’s a character and just brawls. Maybe he can fight Michael Jai White in this new Triangle of Doom.


The Triangle looks tiny. I suspect we are going to get many short fights.

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If the MMA guys figure out a way to win under these rules i’ll be hugely impressed.

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I would love big Frank to grab Pulev, with standing hooks, and smash him in the face repeatedly for the KO. Pulev not knowing wtf is happening.

Cant see it happening though.

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Well I’ve cracked and ordered the ppv. It’s probably going to be a total shit show, but I want to see some fights tonight and there’s no UFC or any other major shows on, so fuck it let’s watch some mma guys get boxed up in a small triangular ring!

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I need this explained to me… So no going to the ground?

Good lord. Geriatric fake metal and fat joe?

What a clusterfuck. I’ll keep watching though.


Yup. Boxing with clinch work allowed. No submissions of any kind and no takedowns. Spinning backfists and hammerfists are allowed. No knees, no kicks, no elbows.

A half-assed attempt to bridge boxing and mma.