Mike Swick is battling cancer

Thick, solid, tight

Fuck cancer

How does someone know they have cancer?

I used to watch Mikes podcast and he seemed fine. Is it like a fatigue type thing? Low energy?

Shit is scary because a LOt of young healthy people are getting cancer lately

You donā€™t.

You go in for something & they give you a blood test.They find out you got cancer with the blood test.


Damn thatā€™s scary. Cause I donā€™t do doctors. At least not since Covid. If I donā€™t feel good I rest and recover.

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Thats for things like leukemia. Other cancers start as lumps and/or pain. YOu have to be careful if youre taking things like HGH as that can make cancer grow a lot faster. Happened with rob kearny the gay strongman who got ball cancer and it grew insanely fast due to taking high lvls of hgh.


Thatā€™s probably the biopsy route.

Both my dad & my step dad died from cancer.They didnā€™t know they had it until they got a blood test.



You go in for yearly checkups when you hit a certain age.They test you & if you have it,they tell what stage that you are at.


Again, thats just blood cancers aka leukemia u can test for with blood tests.


Other times you feel a lump or maybe have unusual pain in a specific area. For my father in law it was the fact that he was having trouble swallowing over a prolonged period of time that only got worse. Turns out he had a tumor at the base of his esophagus.

I lost both my dad and dad in law from cancer in the last 15 months. They were both 58 years old. Get your yearly checkups at a minimum, bro.


Swick is a bad muh fucka. This news troubles me but cancer no longer surprises me. Itā€™s actually expected.

You got this, everyone. Many cancers can be combated. Simple sugars are a drug

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if your over 35 get the mail in test for blood in your stools.
it detects early signs of bowel cancer.

Wishing him the best

I just found out about this today. It knocked the wind out of me a bit.

Wishing you all the best, Mike.

Keep your head up. Dont forget to eat even if you are not hungry. I know it sounds funny but ive known to many people who were not hungry or lossed their appetite during cancer treatment and passed away because of it. This made their bodies to weak to defend and assist with the rebuilding process. Diet and nutrition is more important now then ever.


Yes very important advice. Force yourself to eat. Take supplements like protein shakes and ensures to boost caloric intake.

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