Ladies and Gentelman, I am very happy to announce the first ever MMA event in Winnipeg,MB will take place at the Winnipeg Convention Center, October 29th,2004. The fights will occur in an 18by18 foot octagon cage. The show will be strictly amateur MMA due to the fact that prize fighting in Manitoba is against the law. Teams that are intersted in participating can email myself at equally any potential sponsors can email

I will cover the trasportation costs(gas), Hotel for two nights, each fighter and one cornerman will receive 20$ a day food allowance.

Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to seeing you all on October 29th.

               Krzysztof Soszynski

This card will be amazing, the venue is wicked!! TTT for Kryszstof!!

Krysztof Please e-mail me

Jackyl- the event starts at 7:30pm and tickets will be available through ticketmaster in about 3 weeks, I am not sure if there will be tickets at the door left, I am hoping for a sellout. Thanks for the post

Justin-you have mail

Jackyl- the event starts at 7:30pm and tickets will be available through ticketmaster in about 3 weeks, I am not sure if there will be tickets at the door left, I am hoping for a sellout. Thanks for the post

Justin-you have mail

Now Manitoba has mma and Ontario doesn't?


Will there be any special guests? UFC fighters, etc.?

Mr.Doerksen I would love to have you as a special guest, if you are available ofcourse. That is if the price is right. I know how the UFC fighters like to charge for appearances and all.

Kick some ass Joe!!! We will be there chearing you on hard core. Cant wait, only 11 days to go.


I think I can be convinced to make an appearance for the low, low price of a hug and a handshake. Looking forward to getting my work done out here so that I can come home and hang out with family and friends again.

As far as UFC goes, I can't guarantee the results, but I promise to leave my heart and soul on the canvass. Beyond that, I can't promise anything.

See you there, Dirte

ttt 4 more mma in Canada!

Joe is always is looking for someone to give him a hug. You should see the crack whoes that end up hugging him at the bar.

Get back home soon buddy, so we can party!!

Good luck Joe!!

That's great news!

Krzysztof, try me again typed my e-amil addy wrong first time around. Too many punches in the head!

Justin- soory, now you have mail have mail sir...may be after Loafie's, but just wondering what's up...:)


Did you get the pictures I sent you from your fight with Lee Mein?

BustamanteFan- I do not think i recieved those pics, please send me them again if you can thanks

As far as the line up, I will post the card in about a week, Troy Sheer group is in as well as Lee Mein group, I am waiting for a list of fighters from Justin Bruckmann and we can start the match ups. Some of the names that will be on the card are: Justin Tavernini, Jesse Bongfeldt, Josh Tomik, Jason Tatlow, Jason Lamond, Scott Richardson, Joy Millan, Gil Torres, and thats just the start. The card will be great, we wilkl also have a ladies fights.


As much as I would love to have fighters from BC and from the east, at this time I cant aford flights for this show, Its a 30+hour drive. This is also an amateur card, so no pay off. Alot of teams are intersted but the drive is just to far.


Good luck with the show Krzysz,


Time? Location? tickets$? October 29 is a Sunday?