MMA Champs/Title Holders never really have tattoos

If you think about Champions - past and present - they really haven't had tattoos for the most part, or they have one or two subtle tattoos. Consider this list:

BJ Penn
Matt Hughes
Anderson Silva
Rich Franklin
Frank Shamrock
Dan Henderson
Tito Ortiz
Forrest Griffin
Rashad Evans
Lyoto Machida
Randy Couture
Frank Mir
Andre Arlovski

Feel free to add, but you get the point. Not a lot of tatted up champs.

"they really haven't had tattoos for the most part, or they have one or two subtle tattoos."

Am I having Deja Vu or has there already been a thread about this? And the thread was a complete and utter failure because half of the guys listed actually have tattoos, LMAO!

TTT for Failing miserably

Chack has a tattoo on the side of his mohawked head...yeah really subtle.


Tatoo is so 2006....

greco yeoman - or they have one or two subtle tattoos.

So you call Chucks head tattoo a "subtle" tattoo?

You can barely see Tim Sylvia's arm Tattoo that goes across his right breast too..

BeanTownMMA - Am I having Deja Vu or has there already been a thread about this? And the thread was a complete and utter failure because half of the guys listed actually have tattoos, LMAO!

TTT for Failing miserably

Whatevs. I conceeded that they have one or two tatoos, but none of them would be considered tatted up.

I'll agree that none of them are "tatted up". For example, none of them have as many as Monson or Babalu, I'll give you that. But more than half of that list has guys that have very noticeable tats, imo..

Ill agree with some of thsoe, but Big Tim?

The dude has a huge tribal mark and superman tat with some shit around it, doesnt he have a sleeve also?

Tim has tats,

Damn, when did he get that tribal?

 Rampage has tattoos all down his arm

Thanks. And if you look really closely, you'll see that tim sylvia isn't in my original list ;)

i know its friday but you have had too many drinks today.

think a little longer before you make a thread please.

i said please.


 i have no tattoos, i knew i was destined to be a champ

Okay maybe not all down his arm



It's not a total fail. You check that list off in your mind and you say 'no' to even one tattoo a lot. For fighters, that's not the norm.

I see the point of the thread, but it's not a stunning revelation or anything.

On a scale of 1 to 10, this is a solid five. I'm not sorry I clicked on it, but I don't know if I'll be back.


 I've heard tell that Brock Lesnar has a tattoo.