MMA conversation on porn forum!

Check out the wealth of MMA knowledge in the porn community!




"According to someone who I used to work with the UFC guys are pussys in comparison to what he did. He told me about how testing for your next belt used to be and how it is now (for kempo) and I did watch some of UFC on spike TV and I have to say that he was correct. I'm not saying that I would walk into a room and beat the shit out of a UFC champ but in comparison if he was still doing the same traning and exercising that he was he could do some serious damage. He hasent parctices in years and he did some move on me and took it light on me and left me in some good pain for not having any practice in years and going light. My leag was sour through the next day and my neck hurt like hell for the rest of the night."

that thread reminded me of this site a long time ago... give it about a week before the new batch of MMA.TV trolls ruin it.

So let's talk porn on this site and get even.

I was watching some porn the other night that one of my buddies brought back from Brazil, it was in English with Portuguese subtitles.  I thought of you guys.

Some of us Porn guys train and been watching UFC since day 1.

That board is pretty small.

So much for giving you guys free porn. :)