MMA Cribs with Patrick Cote

Patrick is definitely taking the fight with Silva seriously and he is eating, sleeping, and training at Sityodtong. Check out my first MMA Cribs video.

my favorite line from Cote is "it's vintage"

MMA Girls - Patrick is definitely taking the fight with Silva seriously and he is eating, sleeping, and training at Sityodtong. Check out my first MMA Cribs video.

 My God , seriously ?.

I hope so or it might not be a happy evening for Mr. Cote Cote Cote

somebody needs to create a petition for joanne and kenny to get together. great interviews

I'd like to see Cote pull off the upset.

caliphornia - somebody needs to create a petition for joanne and kenny to get together. great interviews

lol. Here's the newest video with me trying out some of Kevin Kearns' strength and conditioning exercises at Kenny's gym.

 Patrick is definitely taking the fight with Silva seriously and he is eating, sleeping,.... as long as he makes weight he practiced perfect.. 

LOL at the exercise where kenny tiptoes through a ladder while carrying a massive double-ended dildo.

 notice the American History X music in the background

uncledan86 - notice the American History X music in the background

good catch. It was on the tv.

Jo and Kenny sittin in a tree C-O-N-D-I-TION-ING

 Genius levels of coolness in some of the vids :-)

LOL at the picture of Silva on Cote's fridge, homework I guess ?

who was that coming out from behind the sheet? Jokingly, he wiped his lips like he just finished blowing the other dude lol. Cote and his crew seem like cool dudes.

manny99 - who was that coming out from behind the sheet? Jokingly, he wiped his lips like he just finished blowing the other dude lol. Cote and his crew seem like cool dudes.

That was Jorge Gurgel and Marcus Davis. Just joking around of course.

Kirik - Genius levels of coolness in some of the vids :-)

Thanks Kirik!

mmalife - LOL at the picture of Silva on Cote's fridge, homework I guess ?

Yeah he had a couple of them around the place. Not so much homework but motivation.

 "This is where the magic happens?" as Jorge comes out wiping his mouth!!! LOL


Although I think Kevin Kearns is a great, you  have to admit that next to Sherk's workouts, those seem like the JV drills.