MMA fans=most hateful?

Is there any other set of sports fan that thinks less of the athletes that participate in their sport? Reading this board it seems that at least half(very low estimate) of the people who post here think MMA fighters are the worst athletes on the face of the earth, and try to discredit them at every opportunity. Even counting trolls, its hard to believe some people on this site actually like MMA.

I would rather be able to beat someone up, than run faster or bench press more than them. Who cares if Ladanian Tomlinson actually trained MMA and turned out to be the best ever? Even though I doubt it, maybe he would. The fact is, he didn't. If he had that mentality and liked fighting so much, he would have been a boxer. All the top MMA fighters would easily beat any other "athlete" in a fight and that's all that matters.

 If Tomlinson was a fighter, he'd be a fighter. He's not. He's a great football player. Agree with the first two posts

fuck you and your stupid thread!

nascar imo

It's all because of insecurity. Deep down MMA fans all fear that one day the money will get good in MMA and we will have pro wrestlers and what not taking the belts after short periods of training. Wait........

But, you are right....we should have more pride in our sport as a group.

it's the trolls

MMA fans = Emo kids upset that "Hot Topic" stores get so much business

"YourFathersUncle - Please, players get trashed as bad or worse in every other sport."

I think you are missing my point. It is the nature of the criticism. Other sports fans dont talk about how the competitors lack athleticism.

no way... soccer fans are the worst. 2X4s, baseball bats and steel chairs and shit. they have riot police on standby. fuck all that.

"I would rather be able to beat someone up, than run faster or bench press more than them." 

"All the top MMA fighters would easily beat any other "athlete" in a fight and that's all that matters."

you lost me at these two sentences

you were talking about athleticism, then talking about "beating people up"


It's just the trolls. Guys who would most definitely lose to Carlos Newton or Vernon White but think they're better than guys like Sokoudjou.

soccer, they kill people

It's not the fans, it's the internet.

this aint shit...

... no kidding, you should hit up some NBA and NFL forums... makes MMA.TV trolling look kindergarten level

no shit

I cant believe some of the shit thats posted on NBA sites