MMA fighter in Street Fighter IV


Street Fighter IV is coming out soon-ish and one of their characters is supposed to be an MMA specialist named Abel. It's a very loose interpretation of MMA but that's where the publishers are going with it. The game was on demo at Comic-Con and gamers stuck to playing Abel which suprised Capcom, who thought people would naturally gravitate toward the new female character, Crimson Viper. They clearly didn't count on the MMA fan base being that strong...or else they would have made Abel's moves truer to actual MMA. But yeah, that's him above, giving Ken what-for. There's more at (image comes from there too).

 "...or else they would have made Abel's moves truer to actual MMA."

Truer than elevating someone by the throat so you can punch them?

@ Mad Xyientist:

Shane Carwin has done that in three different fights.

I would buy the game if Shane Carwin was a playable character.

Thats not the throat, thats a gi grab if I ever saw one.

He needs some headgear to complete the fruity sambo look

smoogy - He needs some headgear to complete the fruity sambo look
I think Fedor might have something to say to that, lol