MMA Trivia Question...

I was watching a replay of Edgar vs Maynard III and it prompted this question:

What two fighters (both of whom have fought in major organizations such as UFC, Pride, Strikeforce, Dream, etc.) have faced each other the most number of times?

Bonus question: Same circumstances but replace most number of times fought with most number of rounds fought.

Lux Fixxins - In 4 Tito and Jenna joke...
I don't get it.

Has anyone fought more than 3 times Phone Post

Kingtony87 - Has anyone fought more than 3 times
If anyone has, it's going to be Travis Fulton or Jeremy Horn, given the sheer number of fights they've had.

Travis Fulton fought Clayton Miller (former forum member) four times. Miller, despite having having 67 fights (listed on Sherdog), never fought in a major organization.

didnt herring fight Big nog 3 times??

For future trivia, the answer will be Faber/Cruz. Faber's never more than 1 fight from the strap, so as long as Cruz holds it, he'll be fighting him at least once a year. Plus grudge matches.

berto102 - didnt herring fight Big nog 3 times??
Quite a few fighters have had trilogies. We need to find some with quadrilogies.

Herring/Big Nog
(all trilogies) Phone Post

More trilogies...


Sonnen/Horn is another one.

Chuck randy
Fedor nog
Wandy rampage Phone Post

Kingtony87 - Chuck randy
Fedor nog
Wandy rampage Phone Post

Whoops two were just posted Phone Post

I do bot know, but am curious for the answer. Phone Post

 Brett Rogers and his wife

98lbweakling - I was watching a replay of Edgar vs Maynard III and it prompted this question:

What two fighters (both of whom have fought in major organizations such as UFC, Pride, Strikeforce, Dream, etc.) have faced each other the most number of times?

Bonus question: Same circumstances but replace most number of times fought with most number of rounds fought.

You sound like you're asking in general, do you know the answer? Cuz if so, subbed. Phone Post

Blott Scevins - 
98lbweakling - I was watching a replay of Edgar vs Maynard III and it prompted this question:

What two fighters (both of whom have fought in major organizations such as UFC, Pride, Strikeforce, Dream, etc.) have faced each other the most number of times?

Bonus question: Same circumstances but replace most number of times fought with most number of rounds fought.
You sound like you're asking in general, do you know the answer? Cuz if so, subbed.
I don't know the answer.

cool ya self - Dan Severn fought Travis Fulton 4x
Aaaand we have a winner.

Lux Fixxins -  Travis Fulton fought  Mike Kofoot15 times.
Not quite. Also, Kofoot has never fought in a major organization.