MMA Twitter account recommendation.

@MMASupremacy - Good news, views and roundup of mma related tweets Phone Post

@MMARoasted is good

@Bill_Nye_tho_ll isnt mma related but funny. Bill_Nye_tho (the original) got banned lol

Yep, @MMARoasted. Dude's funny as hell. Phone Post


Whoops, you said MMA.




pure garbage most of the time, a near gem almost never



News about some fo the best brazilian fighters!


Our CEO and one of the top mma coaches in the world.
This guy is funny as hell.

Jordan Breen

@Jcolossus- Tweets that will change your life, for the better (for the most part but than 'm baised)

@rtotheoh Phone Post


@whitfield_UFC Phone Post

DanChow - @MiddleEasy

This. Also @bauzen @liverkickdotcom (more kickboxing) @DSTRYRsg (more bjj) Phone Post

DanChow - @MiddleEasy

Phone Post

In Phone Post


@chriscamozzi it's like a mixture of Jesus and fergi Phone Post
