MMA Video Library for sale


Check your email Jeff.

 ^^^ Don't do it, IT'S A TRAP!

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Jeff Osborne - funny...thanks for the TTT.

You're welcome; glad you can take a joke ;)

But in all seriousness I'm sorry to hear you've burned out, Jeff. I've got several DVD's from you and also enjoyed your work in commentary. Best of luck with this and we'll look forward to whatever your next venture is.


HaoleBoy - keep your head up Jeff

anyone think they know how to make $$$ with this?

I might partner up on something

 I think I might know how.

Jeff, what are you asking for the IVC and backstage UFC libraries?

PM me or email





 TTT for jeff even tho i am sending an email to him right now

Jeff I just wanted to thank you for all your tireless years of work. You have been a great ambassador and pioneer for our sport. With out you the sport would never have gotten off the ground.

TTT for Jeff.. Ill take your ADCC and Hook n Shoot Revolutions 1-2-3 and your last woman standing...

Jeff .. I dont know if you remember me but my name is Michael Goss and while I was stationed in Germany in 2000-2004, I used to order from you all the time.. Just so you know.. your Hook N Shoot dvds kept me and my guys sane as we waited to cross from Kuwait to Iraq in 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom..

Revolution had British SAS, Special Forces and Rangers fucking yelling in the middle of a dark ass desert as we watched Erica Montoya, Debi Purcell and Christine VanFleet beat each others asses in a manly style..LOL

I can never thank you enough for always adding an xtra dvd or 2 in my order.. Yves Vs Riley documentary was your best work to date.. too bad I loaned that one out in 2003 while in Baghdad and never saw it again.. LOL

Once again Jeff... thanks for keeping us alive out there...

 Jeff is one of the first good people I met in MMA...over 10 years ago!

He's always hooked me up and found stuff that no one else could.

Also, on a FightWorld Video Magazine from 1997, like 2 years before we used to talk on here about what to call NHB fighting, Jeff was calling it MMA.  in 1998, 99, we were on here debating about calling it "submission fighting" "nhb" etc.

Jeff is the man

I also loaned out my Riley - Edwards DVD

and Jeff doesnt have the master anymore (or something like that)

HaoleBoy - I also loaned out my Riley - Edwards DVD

and Jeff doesnt have the master anymore (or something like that)

we belong in the "book of idiots" for loaning that dvd out... :-(



Also, on a FightWorld Video Magazine from 1997, like 2 years before we used to talk on here about what to call NHB fighting, Jeff was calling it MMA.  in 1998, 99, we were on here debating about calling it "submission fighting" "nhb" etc.

Jeff is the man

Fightworld Video Magazines were awesome!

where can i find riley vs edwards dvds?

 Hey Jeff can u shoot me a PM here and maybe get on phone. I have about every fight fought on Hard Drive from past 10+ years, but missing some  events...

Like to see what all you have.

TY in advance.

