MMA Youth Scholarship - We Need Your Help!!!


Hi everyone,

Long time lurker, but new poster here on the Underground. My name is Matthew Shchukovsky and over a year and a half ago I started an organization called Quest Athletics and Nutrition and I'm looking to start a program that I can definetly use any and all help on. Our mission is simple, as we want to do our part to eliminate the childhood obesity epidemic in North America by providing our youth with the athletic and nutritonal resources that they need to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Childhood obesity is one of the biggest problems affecting our children these days with over 34% of North American youth considered overweight or obese. The biggest reason for the increase in obesity is that children are not being active enough as well as they don't eat a balanced and nutritious diet. As a society we've been getting very good at telling our youth that they should be active and eat right, but when push comes to shove we aren't providing them the resources they need to carry out this advice.

Quest Athletics and Nutrition has made tremendous progress over our first 18 months of existence. We have partnered with many community partners to provide athletic and nutritonal access to at risk children. Some of our successes include raising money to rebuild a school playground that was torn down by the city, sending over 100 children to summer camps for the first time through our camp scholarship program and providing 12 schools in needy communities with a year round breakfast program for their students. While we have accomplished quite a bit, we still only made a drop in the bucket on the obesity front. This is where I need as many people's help here as possible.

This summer we are launching the "Show Your Strength" Athletic Scholarship Program that will help at risk youth across North America be able to attend boxing, martial arts and wrestling programs that they wouldn't be able sign up for on their own. I believe that youth martial arts, boxing and wrestling programs provide children with so many benefits that can last a lifetime. I've started talking with a few people in the MMA community, and one person said it best when he said "in a world where everything is at a scroll and a click away...people have gotten away from the basic feeling they get when they just get the blood moving and their bodies in shape". That is what we are looking to change for our children.

For the initial run of this program, we are looking to partner up with four gyms across North America that provide Martial Arts, Wrestling or boxing programs for youth. We will be looking for one gym in the southern United States, one in the US Mid West, one on the West Coast, and one gym to represent the East Coast and Canada. We have big goals for this program and to truly make it a North American wide initiative that will increase access for thousands and thousands of at risk children, but understand that we need to start small.


  • If you run or are associated with a Martial Arts, Boxing or Wrestling youth program in the United States and / or Canada and would like to explore the possibility about providing at risk youth in your community with scholarships to attend your gym.

  • If you are interested in creating a small committee of 5 - 7 individuals who would be assisting the Show Your Strength Scholarship in the implementation of it's scholarship.

  • If you are a fighter or industry company that would like to get on the ground floor of a great way to give back to the MMA community.

I know that this is a long post, but I wanted to share with your our plans for this program.  We will be using two community organizations to identify our target at risk youth as well as administer the program.  These two organizations are the United Way and the Children's Aid Society.  Our partner organizations will allow us to make sure we are serving the youth that need it most, and that we are maximizing the return we get from our fundraising efforts.

Please either respond to this thread if you are interested in helping out in any way, shape or form.  You can also contact me at as well, to speak one on one.


Matthew Shchukovsky

Quest Athletics & Nutrition - Show Your Strength Athletic Scholarship

Just a side note, my estimated timeline for this is as follows:

  1. By June 13, 2010 the Show Your Strength scholarship committee will be finalized.
  2. By June 20, 2010 our four partner gyms for the initial round of the scholarship will be identified and finalized.
  3. By June 30, 2010 the Show Your Strength Scholarship website will be completed and ready to go live.
  4. During the month of August, we will hold our first fundraising event (dates and nature of event to be finalized).
  5. September will mark the first wave of scholarship recepients.

Thanks again guys.


 Please TTT to keep this as close to the top as possible.

Best of luck man......TTT

 Thanks so much!!!