Most common JUDO throws in MMA?

Well since wrestling has the "mule Kick Throw" (I think that's the wrestling name) which is basically an Uchi Mata with a whizzer / over hook

I would say Uchi Mata is the most common or more successfully Judo style throw.

even when wrestlers do it :P

"guys like Hughes, Filho and Karo are a lot more consistent with their td techs than Shonie."

To use your own line--', easy there'.

Shonie's game does not even compare to the guys you've mentioned, as it's a lot more unpredictable and unconventional. Hughes, Filho and Karo are all grapplers who came into MMA--Shonie was a true mixed martial artist before the term existed, and he is not as prone to automatically try to get the fight to the mat as the fighters you've mentioned. You might not see as many takedowns from Shonie because maybe he's not TRYING for as many takedowns. Not to mention that a lot of Shonie's throws come out of seemingly nowhere, so many non-experts wouldn't even know that he's trying to set one up until it happens.


"osoto gari = never"

I know I've seen Karo do osoto at least twice in the UFC. One, maybe both were against Matt Serra.

ttt, for some ko-soto gake fine details?

i've seen at least a few osotos in MMA, and they seem to happen in sparring pretty easy.

they won't always look like Judo Comp Osotos...and they shouldn't, it's a different kind of Comp. before you jump the gun, a street defense Osoto may look different than a Judo Comp Osoto, and nobody can seriously argue that self defense isn't a legit part of Judo - it's an explicitly stated goal of the sport(one of them) , and a specific part of the curriculim.

good, now we can have a 10 pager judo debate about what constitutes an Osoto.

"Shonie's game does not even compare to the guys you've mentioned, as it's a lot more unpredictable and unconventional. Hughes, Filho and Karo are all grapplers who came into MMA..."

Lazenby, i was simply answering a question in which you poised.

"Not to mention that a lot of Shonie's throws come out of seemingly nowhere, so many non-experts wouldn't even know that he's trying to set one up until it happens."

So, in other words, "Shonie has just pulled off so many of the most unorthodox things in MMA."

I understand he is just an unorthodox fighter period, I am aware of his super versatile background. As mentioned, I am a fan (because of that) so im not sure where the "he sucks?" part came from and as your question of "Who DOES consistently get all of their attempted techniques in every fight?" I just attempted to answer it.

I think the first clip i saw of him was him beautifully tossing Miletich in EC. So he's done both judo and wrestling? What style(s) did he start out in originally as a youth?

"and nobody can seriously argue that self defense isn't a legit part of Judo"

Who can actually argue that any combat sport or martial art isnt some sort of "self-defense"? Isnt anything that helps you "defend" your "self"............


"and nobody can seriously argue that self defense isn't a legit part of Judo"

"Who can actually argue that any combat sport or martial art isnt some sort of "self-defense"? Isnt anything that helps you "defend" your "self"............ "

WasaB, this may be intuitively obvious to guys like you and me, but you would be AMAZED at how many people on this very forum i have to explain this to.

"judo/boxing/thai/TKD/whatever is a SPORT, not a martial art"

"no, it's a martial art"

"no, it's a martial sport"

WRONG. they're not mutually exclusive - Judo is both a sport AND a martial art. so are TKD, boxing and Thai. but insecure people that practice inefficent arts that lack a competitive/live/sport component always need to make excuses and explanations for why their art SHOULD work. the rest of us are too busy DEMONSTRATING that our art DOES work.