Most likely fake but

It made me laugh and remember how ruthless we were as kids playing basketball. I remember playing aau in the eighth grade and my grandma and grandpa along with some aunts and uncles came to watch me. At that point I had never dunked in a game. I got a clean rip and nothing but air between me and the rim. Gravity wasn't having that shit. I got sprited in front of my family. Fucking embarrassing lol 

WFA and WTF?

My bad, took a phone call immediately after making thread


Lol nice OP. Besides WFA, I have a friend who is 6'2" with them good genetics. I'm 5'7", very much a little guy. I kept giving him shit because he couldn't dunk, and he was the only basketball player over 6 foot at our high school who couldn't. With just a few dozen calf raises and practice he could have easily dunked, but he refused to do the work. 

One day to prove me wrong he decided he would try right after one of our scrimmages, so all of the team was there. He ran straight down the lane from the top of the key and tried to fucking Jumpman it, got rim checked hard and fell on his ass lol. He never tried to dunk again. 

MasterofMartialArts -

Lol nice OP. Besides WFA, I have a friend who is 6'2" with them good genetics. I'm 5'7", very much a little guy. I kept giving him shit because he couldn't dunk, and he was the only basketball player over 6 foot at our high school who couldn't. With just a few dozen calf raises and practice he could have easily dunked, but he refused to do the work. 

One day to prove me wrong he decided he would try right after one of our scrimmages, so all of the team was there. He ran straight down the lane from the top of the key and tried to fucking Jumpman it, got rim checked hard and fell on his ass lol. He never tried to dunk again. 

Lol I got my redemption a couple weekends later but nobody cared lol 

MasterofMartialArts - 

Lol nice OP. Besides WFA, I have a friend who is 6'2" with them good genetics. I'm 5'7", very much a little guy. I kept giving him shit because he couldn't dunk, and he was the only basketball player over 6 foot at our high school who couldn't. With just a few dozen calf raises and practice he could have easily dunked, but he refused to do the work. 

One day to prove me wrong he decided he would try right after one of our scrimmages, so all of the team was there. He ran straight down the lane from the top of the key and tried to fucking Jumpman it, got rim checked hard and fell on his ass lol. He never tried to dunk again. 

I find it hard to believe he was the only player at 6’ or taller that couldn’t dunk.

Even a 6’ player to 6’2 player dunking is still special Not an easy feat that anyone can do.

My son is 6’1, plays D1 and doesn’t dunk every time he tries.