Most Street Fights Are Not Fights

I see what your are trying to say here, most of these guys just dont get it or dont want to. IF your a 100 women and you are attacked by a 230 man whos fit. Thats not a street fight. Thats Battery! However if someones blowing shit your way and you think you can take um, thats a street fight. If he pulls a gun or Knife its no longer street fight. Its attempted murder.

"We had a hamster once and threw it out, thinking it had died. Turns out they hibernate and it had been a cold night. To this day I wonder what ever happened to Chewie."

When I was 6 I tied my hamster to a helium balloon because I wanted him to fly. So I stood up on top of my dresser and let the hamster go. He plummeted to the ground and died.

"They are an assault and a defense of an assault."

Crazy Zimmerman has just battered the correct!

zimmerman, the words you are using are not mutually exclusive - is my car blue or is it a shitbox? by car is in fact both, it's a blue shitbox.

a fight doesn't require rules or equal combatants, just a desire to hurt each other.

an assault becomes a fight as soon as you begin to defend yourself.

When I was 10 I had 2 pet hamsters. I had not seen one for awhile so I opened the cage and lifted up the roof on their little house. The one was dead with its guts all over and the other was sitting there munching on a rib.

certain questions/phrases have embedded presumptions, and it's important to pay attention to avoid get fooled or sloppy thinking. "have you stopped beating your wife?"

the favorite one on this board is the "either/or" proposition - "is XXXXXXX a sport or a martial art?" and people will fill up 10 pages debating this and making up phrases like "martial sport" before they realize that

A - it is absolutely a sport, with rules, federations, championships and sometimes even olympic medals.

B - it is absolutely also a martial art - they also teach things specificly for martial purposes (self defense) that have absolutely no value in their sport aspect (in fact they're actually completely illegal in competition), and even most of the sport skills have tremendous value in a self defense situation.