movie sword question

I'm sure there has been 8 billion threads about the movie The Last Samurai, but I have a question that relates to the use of the swords in a couple of scenes from the movie.

In a couple of scenes the actors are shown throwing their swords. Is it physicaly possible to throw a katan like a spear as they did in the movie. It seems that the shape of the sword wouldn't lend it self to being thrown.

thanks in advance.

I believe it was but it was probably not preferred. It may have been a technique utilized more by some schools of swordsmanship than others. The swordwork in that movie was okay, but still movie swordwork.

I think there are medieval european swordsmanship manuals like Fiore, where the throwing of the sword is described as a technique. That may not be relevant though, since a longsword is more symmetrical than a kat, and may be better for throwing. Anyway, i think throwing your sword away would be a pretty desperate move.

When you throw it you become defenseless.

I cannot imagine it would be smart on a battlefield where others will have weapons and you do not.

Or if it doesnt work, they still have one, and possibly yours.