Mundial in Rio Dates?

Does anyone know the exact dates the Mundial is this July?

thanks but why does the website say:

July 22-28/29/30/31
Worlds - Mundials

22-28? I dont get it.

i believe so but i need to get the dates correct lol


GreatCornholio is correct.

The Brazilian Qualifier is to be held on July 22, the Mundial is July 28th through the 31st. If you're an American, you don't need to worry about the qualifier.

Just out of curiousity...why wouldn't Americans (assuming other foreigners as well) not have to worry about the qualifiers?

Is it due to the hardship of traveling that far and having a even more extended stay then planned?

by letting foreigners in it qualifies as a "world championship." so they dont make them qualify

"Just out of curiousity...why wouldn't Americans (assuming other foreigners as well) not have to worry about the qualifiers?"

There are not enough qualifiers elsewhere in the world yet, so foreigners don't have to qualify. Brazilians have to win or place in one of the qualifing tournaments (Pan Ams, Brazilian Nationals, etc).

Someday, with the continued growth of the CBJJ, all of us will have to qualify for the World Championships. There is already a CBJJ European Championship and this will be the first year for the Pan Asian Championships, so things are already growing around the world.


It can be hard to get a date to the mundials, long, boring and smelly in
there. But, you can get dates in rio to other places like nuthe and a

LOL at On the Mat!

"long, boring and smelly in there"

  • especially the bathrooms in the Tijuca Tennis Clube.