Mundials Women's finals set for sunday


Light Feather / Pluma / -118 lb / -53.5kg
Final Bandeira x Yuasa
Probable Winner Bandeira
Feather / Pena / -129 lb / -58.5kg
Final Dern x Nicolini
Probable Winner Dern
Light / Leve / -141.5 lb / -64kg
Final Mesquita x Borges
Probable Winner Mesquita
Middle / Medio / -152.5 lb / -69kg
Final Alzuguir x Monteiro
Probable Winner Alzuguir
Medium Heavy / Meio-Pesado / -163.5 lb / -74kg
Final Correa x Cordeiro
Probable Winner Cordeiro
Heavy / Pesado / -175 lb / -79kg
Final Obelenyte x Oliveira
Probable Winner Obelenyte
Super Heavy / Super Pesado / +175 lb / +79kg
Final Tremblay x Mazzelli
Probable Winner Mazzelli
Absolute / Absoluto / Open
Final Obelenyte x Medeiros
Probable Winner Obelenyte

Nice, I remember training with Tremblay when she was a blue belt. Her team is good people, hope she wins.

Open is Dominika v. Monique Elias. so likely a close out

both dern and mesquita were upset in the semis

Dom and Monique will fight. They fought last year in the final.

aed333 - Open is Dominika v. Monique Elias. so likely a close out

both dern and mesquita were upset in the semis

really wanted to see these two meet in the absolutes.  Not sure what or if anything happened but there seems to be some sort of rift between Bia and Mac thse days.  Anyone know if there was some sort of spat? 

Muffinho - Dom and Monique will fight. They fought last year in the final.

at least the alliance girls will fight it out