Munduruca support

That could happened to anyone man. Keep your spirits up, you'll be back soon.

Grant G.

Any word on what kind of rehab he will be doing?

TTT for Munduruca!

Get better Rod !!

Heal fast and come back strong!

Rod get better soon,
I know that knee has been a plague for awhile.

Looking forward to you coming back and teaching, your one of the best instructors around.

Cheers to you and your opponent.
Jerin Valel

Rodrigo...get better bro. It's all good. It happens to all world class athletes.

Just make sure it heals up 100%. Don't let your brain make that assumption. Be real to yourself, get better and we'll see you back before you know it.

TTT for a quick recovery.


Shit happens Roddy....heal up....wash that ass and get back in the room. That knee is gonna need time and Krispy Kremes!!!

Mumu will get back in the saddle, he was disappointed at what happened as was others. Luckily, he sees this as a setback. Get well dude!

On another note, Rod got shafted by westjet as his plane went back to toronto monday after 8 hours of b.s.. Luckily i answered my phone (no f&*^ing call display! LOL) brought him back to the airport this morning so hopefully he's back home now!! Mumu e-mail me!



To chateadao com o q aconteceu, se eu soubesse q ia ser assim eu nem lutava.

Desculpa do fundo do meu coracao. Nao tive intencao nenhuma

Tu eh meu brother.

Fica com Deus


Rodrigo! Por que você não veio e teve asas conosco ontem à noite? Você não me ouviu gritar em você como guiei por? Perdeu um tempo bom, meu amigo. Ficamos bêbado e jogamos hortelãs de jantar no ventilador de teto! As asas são deliciosas e, melhores de todo, frangos nem sequer os necessitam. Os frangos são demais estúpidos usar as seuas asas voar! Veja-o em classe, você porco-espinho enorme!

When the hell did Wombat learn Spainish?


Tu e meu camarada 1000%%%. Antes de vc ser meu adversario tu e mue amigo do peito!

Thx for the kind words guys, thx also to my great friend Dan Moroney, always there for me no matter what!

Merry Christmas all!


mundu get better mang!


¿Habla realmente Haru en el español o es este apenas un ramo de mierda de toro?

HAHAHAHA!!! LMAO Haru!!! I love the direct english to spanish translation of bullshit!!! Guys don't ever use that in Latin America or you'll be put in prison for being a gringo!!! Too funny!!

Mumu, next time your down, master chief will be waiting!! LOL

Also, we got to head down to niagra with esfiha & crew to raid that brazilian buffet restaurant you guys were talking about! They won't stand a chance! LOL