Munson Death: a case against same day weigh-ins.

The tragic death of Dennis Munson is another example of why same-day weigh-ins currently being proposed by the California State Athletic Commission are a BAD IDEA!

They used to have same day weigh-ins for boxing until the Mancini vs. Kim fight, those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it..

Yes there were NUMEROUS other mistakes by the officials in this fight, however I wonder if they would have even been an issue had the weigh-ins taken place the day before.. Same day competitions do not give you enough time to properly rehydrate if you're cutting hard..


"It started with same-day weigh ins, a practice generally discouraged because the body doesn't have time to rehydrate properly from cutting weight. Munson's brother, Derrick, also claims that his brother stated he was thirsty, yet he can't recall him drinking water that day. On the night Munson died, the officials reportedly failed to intervene at key moments as he exhibited what a dozen independent experts who reviewed a video of the fight say were obvious signs of distress."

It was likely a contributing factor because it decreased the fluid cushion around his brain. But the largest contributing factor was a failure in recognizing emergency an not having a proper plan in place to deal with such emergencies. It was a perfect shitstorm of failure from the cornermen, doctors, referee, promoters and paramedics. I include the paramedics in the ambulance only because he Gould have been taken to the trauma hospital and not the one he was taken to. Phone Post 3.0

The idea behind same day weigh ins is to discourage dramatic cuts. If the kid had an extra day to hydrate, they probably would've had him fighting down one more weight class. Phone Post 3.0

Yea I once thought same day weigh ins would be a good idea and that weight cutting isn't a good thing yadda yadda then someone here gave me a history lesson ... Phone Post 3.0

We did same day weigh-ins at our amateur Muay Thai fights a few years back. It meant for me at least that I watched my weight all the time as I am a ballooner if I'm not careful. If it's done right then it shouldn't be an issue but this was a really tragic set of circumstances Phone Post 3.0

I dont mind the idea of same day weigh ins, hell, my amateur fights have been like 2-3 hours after the weigh ins, but I think weight cutting should be limited

But it is pretty damn hard to limit, if not impossible.

Does anyone know how much weight did Munson cut? I usually cut around 10 pounds. 

May he rest in peace. I hope this whole situation gets more clear soon, very confused about this / Roufussports situation right now, dont know what to think

Heikki Mustola -

I dont mind the idea of same day weigh ins, hell, my amateur fights have been like 2-3 hours after the weigh ins, but I think weight cutting should be limited

But it is pretty damn hard to limit, if not impossible.

Does anyone know how much weight did Munson cut? I usually cut around 10 pounds. 

May he rest in peace. I hope this whole situation gets more clear soon, very confused about this / Roufussports situation right now, dont know what to think

From what I've read he cut around 8lbs, but was having difficulty with it in the week leading up to the fight, not only on that day. Phone Post 3.0

It was obvious that there was more to it that just trauma. He didn't take any big shots before he started stumbling. Phone Post 3.0

mynameisMud - 
Heikki Mustola -

I dont mind the idea of same day weigh ins, hell, my amateur fights have been like 2-3 hours after the weigh ins, but I think weight cutting should be limited

But it is pretty damn hard to limit, if not impossible.

Does anyone know how much weight did Munson cut? I usually cut around 10 pounds. 

May he rest in peace. I hope this whole situation gets more clear soon, very confused about this / Roufussports situation right now, dont know what to think

From what I've read he cut around 8lbs, but was having difficulty with it in the week leading up to the fight, not only on that day. Phone Post 3.0

Thanks, I have read something about the case but didn't see any numbers myself



dan black - 

The tragic death of Dennis Munson is another example of why same-day weigh-ins currently being proposed by the California State Athletic Commission are a BAD IDEA!

They used to have same day weigh-ins for boxing until the Mancini vs. Kim fight, those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it..

Yes there were NUMEROUS other mistakes by the officials in this fight, however I wonder if they would have even been an issue had the weigh-ins taken place the day before.. Same day competitions do not give you enough time to properly rehydrate if you're cutting hard..


"It started with same-day weigh ins, a practice generally discouraged because the body doesn't have time to rehydrate properly from cutting weight. Munson's brother, Derrick, also claims that his brother stated he was thirsty, yet he can't recall him drinking water that day. On the night Munson died, the officials reportedly failed to intervene at key moments as he exhibited what a dozen independent experts who reviewed a video of the fight say were obvious signs of distress."
