The truth is I really do not want you to buy this DVD set. Then again, I do not want you to buy the new Saulo set, the Bravo book, the next Garcia tapes etc etc. I do not want you to have any of this information. However since you will eventually find it I will do my civic duty.LOL

Who am I: Adam Singer. I own the HardCore gym, I coach some pretty good fighters (Forrest Griffin, Rory Singer and a bunch of upcoming AM and Pro fighters). I have sold about 900 DVDs on MMA and the clinch over the last few years. And I never stop researching and using new strength and Conditioning methods.

Why does this matter. I want you to understand that when it comes to getting fighters ready, I know what I am doing. (Or so I really thought I did).

Lastly I want you to know that I have NO $$ INTEREST in this DVD. I have only spoken to Martin Rooney via message boards and E-mail.

SO WHAT DO I THINK YOU SHOULD BUY: It is a new DVD called TRAINING FOR WARRIORS. The force behind this DVD is a mad scientist named Martin Rooney. He is the Brains behind many sub grapplers, MMA fighters and other athletes training programs out of the Parisi School in NJ. You will see Roger, Renzo, Rodriego, Almedia, Kyra Gracie and others on this DVD.

This DVD includes everything you need to know to train for combat sports. Warm ups, exercises, routines etc. You get to follow Roger getting ready for the ADCC. The DVD covers strength , flexibility, anaerobic training, and so much more. HAVE I MENTIONED IT IS 4 (2 DVDs x 2 hours ea) HOURS LONG.

There is so much here it is unbelievable. Between the Training for Warriors book, the Parisi Warm up tape, and the DVD my training and that of my athletes will reach another level.

I give this set an A+. They will help you no matter what level or knowlegde you are at.

To purchase check out the Parisi website at

The book was great. Just waiting for the DVD to arrive.

Bravo's book and Saulo's DVD's are top notch. Thanks for the heads up on this DVD Adam.


I ordered this DVD last night. It better be good after you spammed 4 forums with it!

I am a real dick for trying to help people out with good info. Especially when I get nothing out of it.

I got mine in less than 3 days, only watched the first part of the 1st DVD, looks awesome so far.

How much footage is there of Kyra on it? I may have to buy it. What kind of equipment do you need, is it free weights or is it something I will have to find a machine for?

"How much footage is there of Kyra on it?"


Hey I was as close to mat side as I could get for her win of ADCC 2005(I think I may still have the pics on my cell phone). I am just interested from a purely training standpoint( oh yeah and she is way fricking hot too!). So I can pass it on to the females that train with us.


I just got this DVD set, and it is awesome. These guys are training harder, but also training smarter. As Adam said, just a HUGE amount of material on here.

I just got this DVD set, and it is awesome. These guys are training harder, but also training smarter. As Adam said, just a HUGE amount of material on here.