My buddy watched Lloyd Irvin train today


(Not sure how Calo or someone else hadn't created that spin on the Chael thread yet.  I am disappoint.)

Did he watch him train or was "train-ing" someone?


Big EP - Did he watch him train or was "train-ing" someone?


I didn't say trane brah, piece it together!

The middle fingers of NickDiaz - SuperCalo is still GONE to the best of my knowledge :)

Supercalo been back, just not posting much on the UG...

Oh and legdawg.. your doing it wrong. Youre supposed to paste the same story and change the wording to fit your spin..

*shakes head*

I hear the Lloyd Irvin train session is pretty brutal. He brings a fresh guy in every 5 mins. Anyone who goes through it could barely walk afterwards.

RickStorm - 

Oh and legdawg.. your doing it wrong. Youre supposed to paste the same story and change the wording to fit your spin..

shakes head


With that original post about getting tossed...full blast...etc. someone better than I should have created this thread.



RickStorm -
The middle fingers of NickDiaz - SuperCalo is still GONE to the best of my knowledge :)

Supercalo been back, just not posting much on the UG...

He posts in waves. He'all be gone for a while and then post a ton for a while. In the meantime, is twitter is fantastic. Phone Post