My fight

From strikehard 15. Phone Post

Matt... I clicked your name and it said you are out of the UK and you are 1-1 having lost one fight by submission to strikes in the first round.

You may wanna email someone about that. 

var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-39055219-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-39055219"); Here you go.

The software on this forum  sucks at times.

Josh J - Matt... I clicked your name and it said you are out of the UK and you are 1-1 having lost one fight by submission to strikes in the first round.

You may wanna email someone about that. 

i sent it. jason is supposed to fix it

They fixed some of it.  Now they have you losing your last fight. 

I know. Idiots.. Lol Phone Post

Thanks Phone Post