Awesome, props to anyone who has the guts to get into the cage...err, ring.
Awesome, props to anyone who has the guts to get into the cage...err, ring.
Congrats and tape your hands better next time.
Well done Sir and good luck with the next one and hope the hand heals quick
congrats bro, looked like a tough fight. Longest legs I've ever seen on your opponent
"I broke the same thing in my left hand. Is it a diagonal break? Plate + Screws + rehab + 3 months and you are as good as new." -Mike
yeah its a "spiral" fracture or something, see it in the xray? 3 months? sheesh I hope I wont be out that long, I gotta wait til' I see the surgeon on wednesday to get answers on that though.
Hey Brazilian Cowboy, Thanks.
RealHard, Yeah I remember that man! You had me in an ezekiel choke i think and i upa'd and rolled ya but I made the wrong move and tried to yank my head out, injuring my own neck and putting the crank on even more lol. Where you training at now? come out to the academy if your "gym-less" ;)
"Congrats and tape your hands better next time." -Carlao
Yes, I think that may have helped ;)
Thanks to everyone giving me props, appreciate the support!
Congrats. Give this dude a green name.
hey armbarring i see halo is one of your hobbies, ill have a lot of free time now so hit me up on live sometime -
Mr armbarsalot
ttt for heelhookerMMAA !!
Neither of you had a mark on you. Did you fight?
Nice work man, noone can take away the fact you got in the ring! speedy recovery to you!
Congrats. Damn your opponant had some long legs!!
Good Job.
Good Job. Thanks for sharing the pics.
dude, how are you going to play halo now with a busted hand?
Now you have an excuse if Popeye ever beats you in Halo2!
hope you have a speedy recovery man!!
Great job man, too bad about the hand.
With the hand broken you can still run on a treadmill to build wind and take the shots with the rubberbands.
ttt congrats!
congrats bro, keep training and go get a few W's
Thanks for the invite bro.....I live in CA now but if i was in MN id deffintly be headed your way. Keep up the training and good luck in your next fight.
thanks RealHard, I envy you being in Cali right now lol....
Most of the fight consisted of kicks and knees, not too many strikes to the face were thrown, also this was PANCRASE rules so it was open handed to the face, so I guess I'm really 0-0-1 in
I will still beat popeyeOG up on halo with this busted hand ;P
yeah after i get the surgery I will start running, probably can still kick the bags too, need to work on my kicks!
Congrats on your 1st fight and heal up soon. Your hand will come back strong with a plate in it!
James I think we talked once on myspace too when I had an account there I used to train at mmaa but now over with Bison. Hope the new gym is going well.