My first ufc event

Going to my first ufc tomorrow night in Manchester, pretty damn excited I'm a big machida fan as well. Who else is going and can anyone tell me if row X in section bl113 are good or cheap seats :)

Maybe I'll make eye contact with some of you there, I look forward to it Phone Post 3.0

Have a good time!

I'm also going mate. This will be my fourth event. I'm travelling from Fife down to Manchester in the morning which will take around four hours.

Can't say much about the seats, I'll be up in the stars but it'll be a great experience.

Have a great night! Phone Post 3.0

Gutted i can't be at this one. How much were ur tickets they seemed pricey? Phone Post

I'll be there mate buzzing. Coming for the better side of the water than bisping ;0) looking forward to it Phone Post 3.0

£80 to be up in the stars. Phone Post 3.0

slimline - Gutted i can't be at this one. How much were ur tickets they seemed pricey? Phone Post
I'm going with a mate they were 137 pounds each, pretty expensive but I'm not going to the states any time soon so had to take this chance, gonna be so good Phone Post 3.0

See you there chaps. Phone Post

RobinHood - I'm ring-side with my chums. £248 a pop. And there's no guarantee the views will be perfect. I've heard of Ringside views stuck behind camera scaffolding etc. Phone Post
I say on the floor for ufc 136. It's an awesome experience to sit there, but it's kind of hard to see when they're on the ground or on the opposite side of the cage. They had several large screens showing the action so you won't miss anything. Have a great time!! Phone Post 3.0

If OP makes eye contact DO NOT LOOK DOWN FIRST!!!!

RobinHood - I'm ring-side with my chums. £248 a pop. And there's no guarantee the views will be perfect. I've heard of Ringside views stuck behind camera scaffolding etc. Phone Post
Was it worth it fella. We had a great night next to a couple of the tuf lads and some of the hollyoaks laydees Phone Post 3.0