My God these fake BB's (Poss Fake BJJ BB in Idaho)

crosses fingers for first page

yes! immortalized

Seems suspicious he names he has black belts in Japanese and Brazillian JJ but doesn't name who gave him either belt.

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Guy is faker than a pair of Korean DD's

Not to say this guy is legit but FYI there are many blackbelts from Brazil who come to the US and teach/train.

These guys from brazil learn BJJ at an early age in schools as an academic requirement.

just saying

he's a CheckMat BB

found this on this guy

BAMF Testimonial
"Just wanted to let you guys know, I've had my BAMF for about 2 months now and use it everyday in training. the pricing is the best, your customer service is top notch, I am so impressed with the fit of my mouthguard, it still fits like a vise even after a couple months of daily use. A few days ago, I got to training and realized that I left my BAMF in my other car and had to use my spare guard, a top of the line ShockDr. My teeth used to feel sooooo safe in that ShockDr, but after wearing my BAMF and seeing how much better it is, I seriously thought my teeth might get knocked out. I can honestly say that I will not use any other mouthguard but a BAMF, and recommend BAMF mouthguards to everyone I know."
~ Matheus Barvo, Team CheckMat BJJ Black Belt, Irvine, CA

SickJitZ - he's a CheckMat BB

found this on this guy

BAMF Testimonial

"Just wanted to let you guys know, I've had my BAMF for about 2 months now and use it everyday in training. the pricing is the best, your customer service is top notch, I am so impressed with the fit of my mouthguard, it still fits like a vise even after a couple months of daily use. A few days ago, I got to training and realized that I left my BAMF in my other car and had to use my spare guard, a top of the line ShockDr. My teeth used to feel sooooo safe in that ShockDr, but after wearing my BAMF and seeing how much better it is, I seriously thought my teeth might get knocked out. I can honestly say that I will not use any other mouthguard but a BAMF, and recommend BAMF mouthguards to everyone I know."

~ Matheus Barvo, Team CheckMat BJJ Black Belt, Irvine, CA

I don't see his name.

  but its a Leo Veria school?


The first couple were funny now it's just getting old. There is alot of people who lie in this world to make some money. Best we can do is ignore them. But watching a guy get roasted on here it's funny. So carry on! Phone Post

In just in case... Phone Post

This case has been dragging on for months, time for the ug to go to work.

In. Phone Post

The black guy in question is Ricky Robinson who played college basketball in Morgantown, WV (where I'm from). He was a good basketball player and played for about ten years overseas in Turkey, Australia and a few other countries. He is definetly not a black belt and has gained atleast 125 pounds since he stopped playing basketball.

I just checked the beast Idaho website they now claim he is a blue belt, but whatever he was a hell of a basketball player for the Moutaineers so I guess he can lie

run and hide - The black guy in question is Ricky Robinson who played college basketball in Morgantown, WV (where I'm from). He was a good basketball player and played for about ten years overseas in Turkey, Australia and a few other countries. He is definetly not a black belt and has gained atleast 125 pounds since he stopped playing basketball.

Well why didn't you say so to begin with?

Let's get him, guys!

I'm in.

cue peoples court music...

For later. Phone Post

Definitely some investigation is needed, but lets hold the assumptions and insults until a little more work is done.

school invasion, gracie style

