Anyone else dragging ass this morning?
I got a solid 3 hours of sleep before work :'(
The misus and two baby girls back home at 10 (stayed at her ma's)... I wish I was happy to watch the next day, can't do it tho... just can't!
I try explaining it to my wife that it's just not the same watching it the next day. Possibly hearing spoilers before watching it is a bitch.
What time did they end EST? I had to be at work at 6 am so watch the plems on FX and hit the bed
Ya, it was a late night. I didn't get home til 3 here in nyc.
flame away but im half falling asleep by the main event.I have bought the UFC and taped it to watch the next day many a time and is the best way to go about it.Just dont go on the internet ( easy solution )
I'm a ham'n'egger and it killed me. 4 hours and the kids were up. I need to go hide in the basement and nap today.
Winston Wolf - flame away but im half falling asleep by the main event.I have bought the UFC and taped it to watch the next day many a time and is the best way to go about it.Just dont go on the internet ( easy solution )
I work at five and I always seem to run into the one UFC fan I know if I haven't watched. Most won't tell results but some are just party crashing assholes.
I'm old and liked it when they started at 9 but I understand for the younger crowd the late start is probably better
buckrogers717 - What time did they end EST? I had to be at work at 6 am so watch the plems on FX and hit the bed
Around 1:45, 1:50ish
buckrogers717 - What time did they end EST? I had to be at work at 6 am so watch the plems on FX and hit the bed2 in the fucking morning, hate this timeslot - really liked the earlier one.
Nothing worse than trying to stay awake during a fight. I caught 1/3 of the main card. Before lapsing halfway between Japan and Lala Land. Fuckin terrible.
I hope this doesn't happen again...I like the old way better. I was exhausted come main event time.
Wanna talk about late night? Main card was 3am-7 in the UK! Hate to admit I recorded it last night and watched it earlier.
Winston Wolf - flame away but im half falling asleep by the main event.I have bought the UFC and taped it to watch the next day many a time and is the best way to go about it.Just dont go on the internet ( easy solution )
After all the excitement from earlier, I was bobbing and weaving to not fall asleep for the last two. I've done the same thing before and I'd be having a hell of a lot better day today if I would have taped and watch today. I guess I held onto the hope the two main event fights would have had a little more gusto to them.
West coast - in bed by 11 p.m.
ynot80 - West coast - in bed by 11 p.m.
You dick. Lol
I'm old and prefer the fights in the UK that start at 3PM EST here... I barely made it through the prelims that ended at 10.
Yeah, I'm in Europe too watching the event live. 2 AM to 8 AM. This is why MMA can't break through over here. The time difference makes it practically impossible to watch events live, with friends and good company.
I booked off today as a vacation day.
dont hate the player, hate the game ...