heroder - if Ishii is a can then guys like Barry are super duper cans.

Barry is absolutely a can. But no one is calling someone a great fighter for beating him. Phone Post

 Ishii WAS 4-1-1, and basically 5-1 if you count Filho as a robbery. Along with an Olympic gold medal.

Ishii vs. Brock. Now there's some competition.

my goodness this Fedor 2.0

pelekys - He's back alright! Back to kicking around tin cans.
Where's your Olympic medal? Tin can? Your retarded. Ya he's not on fedors level but there's not many outside of the UFC umbrella that are. It was another fight for fedor to shake that losing feeling and to get back in the W column <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

In Judo. An Olympic gold medal in Judo brah. In terms of MMA, he most definitely is a can.

James Toney is a boxing world champion and a can in MMA.

Karam Gaber Ibrahim is an Olympic gold medal wrestling monster and a can in MMA.

... and the list is still growing.

I HAVE 1 THING 2 SAY! Let's get him signed! Phone Post


The ufc tried very hard to sign Ishii,still very talented imo.

The LoneWolfx6 -

Cheers dude ;-)

Fedor crushes a weak fighter in Japan. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

lol at all the butt hurt Fedor haters...2012 the return of the King..

 Dana seemed to be shoving this "can" down our throats not that long ago.

Brock was the NCAA champ at HW

Ishii was the best judoka in the entire world at HW

And is gamer than Brock when it comes to hanging in there when the going gets tough.

At least they didnt give Ishii a title after a win and a loss.

that fight kinda reminded of an Ozzy concert. best of luck to him, though.. I hope this is a good sign.

 " At least they didnt give Ishii a title after a win and a loss."

God forbid someone who beats down the champion be "given" the title.

Reem smashes Brock en route to getting a title shot against JDS, meanwhile Fedor gets fed a can over in Japan and somehow you think Fedor comes out of this looking good? okie dokie

HELWIG - At least they didnt give Ishii a title after a win and a loss.

He wasn't given a title. He was given a title fight - which he won.

"Dana seemed to be shoving this "can" down our throats not that long ago."

In what way?

It's funny how you always have so much resentment and hostility toward a promoter promoting his product. Are you similarly angry at the admen who make a commercial saying a product that you don't like is delicious/useful/innovative?

Teenage mutant lesnar turtle - Reem smashes Brock en route to getting a title shot against JDS, meanwhile Fedor gets fed a can over in Japan and somehow you think Fedor comes out of this looking good? okie dokie

who cares about Horse Meat beating up an Ex WWE star

WestBuiltAMountain - It's kind of like Michael Jordon coming out of retirement to play in some euroleague and tearing shit up and everyone saying "he's back! the best is back!".

more like Jordan just shooting 3 pointers and people wondering, "Mike you know you're better then that, take some time and re-focus, find your game again."

I'm a HUGE Fedor fan, but it's true this fight doesn't mean much in the big picture... unless it gave him back his desire to be a top level fighter, which I believe has been missing since he remarried and became super religious.

What I liked though was that he again was better than a top level judoka in the clinch game! His squirming and jerking like a mad shark plus tosses plus footwork plus knee to the stomach in a 2 second time span was a thing of beauty.