Barry_BondsMVP -

who cares about Horse Meat beating up an Ex WWE star

Who cares about a guy who went 1-3 in Strikeforce beating up a guy whos biggest achievement was a draw with Filho?

A Flock Of Seagals - 
Barry_BondsMVP - 
WestBuiltAMountain - It's kind of like Michael Jordon coming out of retirement to play in some euroleague and tearing shit up and everyone saying "he's back! the best is back!".

more like Jordan just shooting 3 pointers and people wondering, "Mike you know you're better then that, take some time and re-focus, find your game again."

hahahahahahahahaha sorry hahahahahahahaha

it's true, Fedor's skills were always there, he just wasn't utilizing them buddy..

Teenage mutant lesnar turtle - 
Barry_BondsMVP -
who cares about Horse Meat beating up an Ex WWE star

Who cares about a guy who went 1-3 in Strikeforce beating up a guy whos biggest achievement was a draw with Filho?

it's painfully obvious to you...Fedor>Lesnar/Overeem...

Fedor never dies

 Only thing that fight showed was that people saying Ishii and Fedor are about the same size were idiots

Barry_BondsMVP -

it's painfully obvious to you...Fedor>Lesnar/Overeem...

Fedor never dies

 then I guess Werdum, bigfoot and Hendo would run shit in the UFC hw division. ....

no wait, none of those guys even belong in the top 5.

what HW division lol...JDS is the only top guy around...he's going to destroy Overratedreem, then what's left??

the best options are still Barnett and Cormier

LOL @ the troll. Even the #2 heavyweight in the world is better than Werdum, Henderson or Bigfoot who all FUCKED YOUR CHAMP IN HIS ASS. 


Quick! Let's go find Crocop to beat Barnett again!

Barry_BondsMVP - what HW division lol...JDS is the only top guy around...he's going to destroy Overratedreem, then what's left??

the best options are still Barnett and Cormier

Err... the HW division thats probably more stacked than its ever been right now? Fucking hell Mir would beat Werdum, bigfoot and Hendo, Brock beat the shit out of Mir (who of course finished Fedors two best opponents ever) Reem and Cain beat the shit out of Brock, and JDS beat the shit out of Cain. Sounds pretty stacked to me. Lets not forget that the SF heavies are essentially UFC heavies anyway now.

Kind of irrelevant anyway, Fedor went 0-3 against guys at the lower end of the food chain.

oh boy, a ko over a lesser fighter 40 pounds smaller then him. Allistair smAllistair

 "Hold on wait a minute let me put some Fedor in it!"

Barnett would beat Mir imo....JDS is hands down the best HW under Zuffa...

Fedor has the tools to beat anyone if he continues to fight smart...

cycklops -  "Hold on wait a minute let me put some Fedor in it!"

 Crocop - the cure to Barnett, roids or not.

Barry_BondsMVP - 
cycklops -  "Hold on wait a minute let me put some Fedor in it!"

 They don't work on trolls.

Richard Tuck -
Bobby Lupo - 
Sixxtimes - And he did it right before midnight in Japan. Happy New Year!

 How convenient. What would have happened if the fight went 3 rounds?

Fedor looked pretty sharp

Why would it be 3 rounds?
It was only scheduled for 3 minutes

I see what you did there... Phone Post

HELWIG -  Dana seemed to be shoving this "can" down our throats not that long ago.

Brock was the NCAA champ at HW

Ishii was the best judoka in the entire world at HW

And is gamer than Brock when it comes to hanging in there when the going gets tough.

At least they didnt give Ishii a title after a win and a loss.

This really doesn't mean anything. There are gold/silver medalists in wrestling who didn't amount to anything in MMA.

Ishii has great Judo. Thus far he hasn't shown that he has great anything else. You need to have a lot that ishii hasn't shown yet.

Also, Brock is a huge 280 pound monster viking. Ishii is too small to have a huge impact at heavy.

ABE FROMAN - LOL @ the troll. Even the #2 heavyweight in the world is better than Werdum, Henderson or Bigfoot who all FUCKED YOUR CHAMP IN HIS ASS. 


 Shameful and dissapointing, Abe.

Expect better from you.

 He wasnt "our" champion.

He was the world's champion.

The champion of the sport.