ABE FROMAN - LOL @ the troll. Even the #2 heavyweight in the world is better than Werdum, Henderson or Bigfoot who all FUCKED YOUR CHAMP IN HIS ASS. 


 Shameful and dissapointing, Abe.

Expect better from you.

Just reverse trolling a troll, I like almost every fighter, I just hate their fans. Probably should'nt have gone to his level though, you are correct.


Gotta admit that was an exciting fight! Besides, what's NYE in Japan without a mismatch?

Ishii's got talent, but is too green for Fedor.

Fedor fucked him up good tho....


This is true no matter what happens... win or lose.  He has ALREADY achieved it.

Great fight and great KO but all everyone can talk about is bullshit. MMA Fans suck.

Loving Fedors new leg kicks. Kind of concerning the way he leaves his chin out there though.

 Fedor knocks out 4-1 Ishii, whose Judo pedigree hasn't translated well into MMA at all. Fans say Fedor is back...

DIABOLICAL FIST - Fedor=best HW ever, he needs to dump M-1 and head over to the UFC now for better comp, which he should of done 4 years ago at least.

 That'd be nice, but what I'd like to see is Dana get his vocal chords injured in a bungi jump accident, then have Lorenzo do the talking, hire Coker for fighter negotiations and camera time, and bring in Fedor for a 5 fight deal to close out his career. And I'd like to see Lorenzo and Joe Silva put a muzzle on the mouths of the Zuffa paid posters, while polling the UG to pick Fedor's opponents.

I'd start with Werdum, then Bigfoot, then Cain if successful. (But that's why we have polls, right ?)

It's hard for any HW  to find opponents outside the UFC these days, but one thing is for sure.

Anyone who says he needs to earn his way to the UFC should be banned for idiocy.

The mere fact that he's still around the top of mma discussions should be enough, if his legendary status and record is not.

Ideally, I'd like to see these UFC fighters go to Japan, and fight under those rules, and in a ring, at least 3 times a year. Even in tournaments, with no belts given, only championship trophies, and with no fear of fighters being cut if they lose. This would boost a sliding interest in the UFC, solidify and revitalize old school fans, do crazy numbers, make headlines, and give UFC fighters, and fans alike, a respect for that kind of format, opposed to the lay n' pray - and cage weapon strategy. 

It would also open the door for rule restructuring within the US athletic commisions.

Basically, I should be President of the UFC : )

i love Fedor and all, but him beating up a japanese fighter is not anything impressive.

Fedor beat Ishii.

In another news, Timmy made the winning hit in the t-ball game.