My Mistake...

Zuffa, when fighters bring these issues to you before going to the media, you can choose to look the other way, but you can no longer say you didn't know. Get your shit together and stop bullying these warriors around.

Thanks for posting Nate! Phone Post 3.0

Nate 'Rock' Quarry - There have been a lot of people commenting on my statements, but I'm posting this just to make myself heard.
I'm not a complainer. I'm someone who tries to fix things.
If you could go back, would you choose to fight in the UFC, or done something else? Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

I think we just found the guy to be the head of the Fighters Union. Great points, especially about the fighters paying for extra cornermen, this should all be covered by the UFC. within reason of course, no 15 man entourages, but three cornermens flights, hotels, and gym time should be covered.

Great, well thought out post. Thank you for everything. Phone Post 3.0

Nate, I've always been a fan. I love every point you made and suggestions you made to fix the problems. Much respect. Phone Post 3.0

What happened to all the praise you had for the UFC when they paid for your neck sugary? Why didn't you complain while you were fighting? Why would you sign a contract for such a shitty deal?

If you have discussed my questions please refer me to where I can read you comments.

The three fight contract is a really good idea! It would give the fighters peace of mind, and would probably result in more exciting fights for the fans. Phone Post 3.0

Ramsey - What happened to all the praise you had for the UFC when they paid for your neck sugary? Why didn't you complain while you were fighting? Why would you sign a contract for such a shitty deal?

If you have discussed my questions please refer me to where I can read you comments.
He said he should've signed a better contract in his post. Hindsight is always 20/20. Phone Post 3.0

Struck the perfect notes there Nate. Completely legitimate constructive-criticism with logical suggestions to start addressing some of the issues that are slowly eating the organization from the inside-out. Phone Post 3.0

Haadogei - 3 fight no cut contract is my fave idea there. it's a fairly reasonable demand, anything less would be uncivilized.

Also, I feel like the world expansion has to do with cheap labor. All these bottom end Brazilians and Chinese card guys are probably making next to nothing.

Agreed. A lot of guys are so terrified of going one and done that they play it safe and just try for W, no matter how boring the fight.

If a fighter KNOWS that he's got at least another two fights guaranteed he'll be much more likely to look for the finish and try to make an impression.

UGCTT_sakurabas ear - I think we just found the guy to be the head of the Fighters Union. Great points, especially about the fighters paying for extra cornermen, this should all be covered by the UFC. within reason of course, no 15 man entourages, but three cornermens flights, hotels, and gym time should be covered.

Great, well thought out post. Thank you for everything. Phone Post 3.0

Well said.


Also very well said, Nate.  Reasonable and realistic requests.  You belong working for the UFC in some capacity, imo.  You're simply too intelligent and too passionate about the fighters to not be of good use.

Nate should definitely be working for the UFC. It seemed from TUF way back in the day that Dana respects him, and he's a former fighter with a balanced, common sense perspective.  

It means nothing but I support you Nate! I'd love to see you and the UFC work together to make things better for the sport. I still love the sport even though it's not like a few years ago when I knew of everyone on the card and bought every one.

Nate thanks for being light to an issue that is often brushed under the rug. I wish there were more fighters like you. Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for the post Nate.. Always been a fan. Seem like a genuinely good, intelligent guy. For a now global product and sport that has been the 'fastest growing' for what seems to be almost a decade now, surely your suggestions can't be that far fetched.

This is a whole lot of yes! Phone Post 3.0


actually great points!

Sounds like a good first start to negotiate fighter pay from a UNION perspective.

There are journalists writing and talking about this stuff. It seems people are more aware of the issues now, which is a good thing imo Phone Post 3.0

Nate, i became familiar with you from TUF and every time since then that you've had a chance to make an impression it's been positive and made me a bigger fan.

I feel no differently this time and fully support and respect your efforts.

I wish you all the best in all that you can do, and as a fan, i thank you for your continued involvement and intelligent discourse on the state of mma.