My Mistake...

"Fighters are given two flights, one hotel room and $50 per diem" all this plus 6/6

1 room,i would think a fighter would need alone time

Ramsey - What happened to all the praise you had for the UFC when they paid for your neck sugary? Why didn't you complain while you were fighting? Why would you sign a contract for such a shitty deal?

If you have discussed my questions please refer me to where I can read you comments.

Yes, I've discussed these things at length. Even in the post that started this thread.
I'm not looking back at MY deals. I'm looking forward to the industry as a whole.
As I was told by a cutman that chose not to corner me after I left Team Quest, "People do what's in their own best interests."
I'm trying to offer an insider's perspective. I'm trying to raise awareness.
Why didn't I complain while I was fighting? The same reason no one under contract with the UFC says ANYTHING. Fear of being fired. And it was just a year or so ago, there was nowhere else to go besides the UFC.
Why would I sign a contract such as this? Because I didn't know any better. There have been laws enacted to protect boxers from signing away their rights.
Feel free to form your own opinion.
I find it very interesting that the very same people who complain about their bosses getting rich off their sweat, blood and tears view fighters as spoiled athletes who should be thankful for every dime they get no matter how hard they fought to get there in the first place.

Props Nate. It's just good to hear an intelligent insight to what happens. Good or bad. Rock on man. Phone Post 3.0

Well written post by Nate Quarry. Obviously, the post that Nate drafted comes with incontrovertible risk in the form of a likely backlash against him by Zuffa and a resulting limitation on future commercial endeavors with the UFC. Accordingly, props to Nate for having the integrity, character and intelligence to look beyond self-interest in presenting an honest insider's view of events and in advocating on behalf of current and future mma fighters.

Nate 'Rock' Quarry - There have been a lot of people commenting on my statements, but I'm posting this just to make myself heard.
I'm not a complainer. I'm someone who tries to fix things.
I'm not a fighter, and don't know the first thing that goes into a camp; However, there seems to be a common denominator that all fighters are upset about. Very few speak about it out of fear of being, "Black listed," and pissing off DFW.

Nate, you're obviously speaking some truth if Lorenzo felt he had to, "Clarify," things. It pisses me off as an avid fan to see and hear about fighters struggling. All the points you made are very valid and could make the UFC and MMA community a better place. Phone Post 3.0

Nate, I say this with all sincerity. You need to lead the charge for a fighters union. Someone, at some point, is going to have to do it, in order for things to really change in my opinion. And in my opinion, I believe that person is going to have to be an ex-fighter that knows the issues and what it will take to resolve them...which you clearly do.

If you are this passionate about making a difference for the fighters of today, tomorrow, and decades to come...take what you're saying here, and really do something about it.


In b4 ESPN Phone Post 3.0

Notice Dana ain't bashing Nate? He's speaking the truth! Phone Post 3.0

In for thoughtful discussion Phone Post 3.0

Absolute truth I wish more fighters would come out and explain also. Phone Post 3.0

1) Nate needs a green name.

2) BLAF should sit down and listen to Nate. Sure it's not what he wants to hear but sometimes you have to leave the "YES" men out in the hall and listen to unhappy truths to main changes that in the long run will help your business.

All great points and entirely within the realm of possibility. The UFC should take note. The athletes will appreciate the changes as will the fans, IMO. Phone Post 3.0

I remember when I first heard that the UFC only pays for one corner. That is so bush league. What fighter at the elite level only has one corner? It's absurd. Phone Post 3.0

As for me leading the way and starting a union or association for fighters.... First off, I'm woefully uneducated in such things. I would have no idea how to start one.
Secondly, man, it's really tough trying to stand up for people that won't stand up for themselves. I understand that if they were to speak up their jobs would be in jeopardy. But at Quest when I went and represented the entire team to address some issues we all had, they all tucked tail and got back in line.
I've found quite often when I'm standing for change, I'm standing alone.

mikerobmma - I remember when I first heard that the UFC only pays for one corner. That is so bush league. What fighter at the elite level only has one corner? It's absurd. Phone Post 3.0
This. I was totally shocked when I first heard this. Also Nate I agree with everything you said, especially the three fight no cut deal. Always been a fan of yours and I'm glad to hear more people speaking up about fighters issues. Good luck with everything you plan to do in the future Phone Post 3.0

That was incredibly informative, thank you! I think everyone here agrees those demands are more than reasonable, and I really like the idea of the 'no cut' contract, allows people to grow a bit more.

I know it's been said but think it bears repeating that the 3 fight no-cut contract would (most likely) benefit the UFC.  Given the current landscape, entry level fighters are virtually forced to play it safe and win to keep their jobs.  Given the expansion of the UFC there simply are more entry level fighters as they're putting on more and more shows.  I agree with others that fighters will likely loosen up and focus more on making a statement and putting on entertaining fights to keep their jobs after the 3 fights than the current decision-fests we've been having as of late to make sure they get another fight in the UFC.

Ramsey - What happened to all the praise you had for the UFC when they paid for your neck sugary? Why didn't you complain while you were fighting? Why would you sign a contract for such a shitty deal?

If you have discussed my questions please refer me to where I can read you comments.

did you read the first post on this thread?

Nate 'Rock' Quarry - As for me leading the way and starting a union or association for fighters.... First off, I'm woefully uneducated in such things. I would have no idea how to start one.
Secondly, man, it's really tough trying to stand up for people that won't stand up for themselves. I understand that if they were to speak up their jobs would be in jeopardy. But at Quest when I went and represented the entire team to address some issues we all had, they all tucked tail and got back in line.
I've found quite often when I'm standing for change, I'm standing alone.

Stand alone then man. At least in the beginning. This is obviously something that you're passionate about, and I personally don't think you give yourself enough credit. You're a well spoken, intelligent guy that is highly respected in the community. I think if you were to discretely gauge interest from the fighters, you would find that many would be willing to listen, and join you in this journey.

As far as being educated on the topic...educate yourself. Meet with leaders of other players unions and ask them to advise you on various points of interest. Hell, maybe even reach out to the Culinary Union and see if they have any interest in educating you...and possibly even backing you financially. Maybe reach out to GSP and see if he would be willing to sit down with you 1 on 1 for a couple of hours and discuss his interest. You never know where these discussions could lead.

Like I said, if someone doesn't take the reigns, it will continue to be business as usual. Someone has to stand alone, in order for everyone to ultimately stand together. At this point, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain...for yourself and the fighters.

I hope that you will give this some serious thought.

Thanks Phone Post 3.0