My strike stats for Diaz vs. Condit..

Total Strikes:

Round 1 - Diaz via 'Octagon Control'.
Diaz: 27
Condit: 27

Round 2 - Diaz via 'Effective Striking' and 'Octagon Control'.
Diaz: 36
Condit: 30

Round 3 - Diaz via 'Octagon Control' or Condit via 'Effective Striking'.
Diaz: 24
Condit: 32

Round 4 - Condit via 'Effective Striking'.
Diaz: 12
Condit: 33

Round 5 - Diaz via 'Octagon Control' and 'Grappling Aggression'
Diaz: 19
Condit: 25

Nick Diaz
4 - 1
3 - 2

Watched before scoring this fight..
Rampage vs. Machida
Rampage vs. Griffin
Shogun vs. Machida

209 son.

Looking over your shouldner at your opponent:

Condit: 12

Diaz: 0

It really is strange to me how the judges would all of the sudden favor such a style..

Machida didn't get hit and had a high accuracy rating..

Condit is the opposite..

 backpedal steps  Condit 976     Diaz  2

Slaps to the face:

Diaz 1
Condit 0

Lol bunch of losers in this thread. Diaz got out boxed, deal with it. Phone Post

You can kick in boxing? 

If I was slapped in the face like that during a real MMA fight, I would concede and give up the belt had I won.

 " Round 5 - Diaz via 'Octagon Control' and 'Grappling Aggression'

Diaz: 19

Condit: 25"

I scored round 5 for Diaz, too, but why do you think grappling aggression takes priority over effective striking in that round? In some ACs (not sure about Nevada), the higher weighted category is whichever the round had more of, so in a round with 3.5 minutes of striking and 1.5 minute of grappling, like that one, effective striking would be the most important category in determining the round winner.

orcus -  " Round 5 - Diaz via 'Octagon Control' and 'Grappling Aggression'
Diaz: 19
Condit: 25"

I scored round 5 for Diaz, too, but why do you think grappling aggression takes priority over effective striking in that round? In some ACs (not sure about Nevada), the higher weighted category is whichever the round had more of, so in a round with 3.5 minutes of striking and 1.5 minute of grappling, like that one, effective striking would be the most important category in determining the round winner.

Because very little happened in the striking, and idaz was dominating condit on the ground. I personally score the person who is most dominant in one aspect the winner of the round.