NAGA/Arnold Grappling Question????

Does anyone out there have any additional info on the NAGA Arnolds in March.  I have a few questions:

* Is this Tournament a 1 day or 2 day event?  

* If 2 day which day is Gi and Which is No Gi?

* Is it same day weigh in like typical NAGA events or are they doing day before weigh ins like the previous Gracie Arnolds?

Due to work obligations I won't be able to drive down like I have in past years so i just wanted some more info before purchasing a Plane Ticket

Thanks in advance!

It's going to be a two day event but I'm not positive about which day is which. And I'm certain it will be same-day weigh-ins as it is with all NAGA tournaments. Maybe Kipp or Joe can chime in?

Here's 1 vote for Saturday No-Gi



I want answers damn it....I want the truth!

I think I can handle it!

Weigh-ins will be on Friday.

I believe the no-gi will be on Saturday, the gi on Sunday. I will make sure of that tomorrow, so hold off on that plane ticket :).

Thanks Joe!


I guess I am a fountain of misinformation today. :(

Ray, Stop spreading your propaganda! :)

I have confirmed: GI and KIDS will be on Saturday, NO-GI will be on Sunday.

Weigh-ins are definitely on Friday. Friday is also the last day you can register.

More info will be available very soon.

jcuff is correct.

That's truly amazing Naga took over the event from Relson.  I swore never to return to the Arnold's after 3 absolutly abismal years, but Naga has changed my mind.


Thanks for the info....looks like I can book that flight now!

i thought relson is still doing an event on that same weekend, but a different event

I thought I might try it again, because I enjoyed fighting at 9:30 at night after spending the day jostling for position in what seemed to be an experiment in fire code violation.

Perhaps NAGA will run things a bit better.

Weigh-in will start at 10 AM and go until 10 PM on Friday 3/2/07. You have to either pre-regsiter on-line, mail in your registration or register at the door on Friday 3/3/07. You cannot register the days of the event (Saturday or Sunday).

On Saturday we will be able to run 10-16 rings and will have the Gym from 9 AM until 10 PM.

On Sunday we only have the gym until 6 PM.

Because of this the Children & Teens (Gi & No-Gi) will take place on Saturday, the Adult No-Gi will be on Sunday.

There will be 5 scales available all day long on Friday and about 10 Registration personnel open during the day as well. All bracketing will be complete Friday night and posted Saturday morning.

Kip are you guys doing it out of the convention center, or another location

I, as many, also swore off the Arnold's after the recockulous waiting times and the questionable officiating but NAGA rocks so I will be there for sure, with the UFC in town to boot how could you not?

Is this going to be the same weekend as the UFC in Columbus?