Name some good supplements to take during P90X

MrBlume - Thanks for the response. I don't drink that much coffee and would like to eliminate it if possible. I don't like the anxious feeling.

I want to bulk up and increase strength while doing this program. I''lll be away from home so I need a travel friendly routine. Getting ripped is secondary. I'll just increase my cardio in a few months.

P90x really isn't a program that is going to bulk you up. Having seen it and what I've heard it's more of a program to lean out and get nice tone.

As for supps. The first thing I would do is post in the S&C forum, prob get some good responses.

I would check out They have good prices,post reviews and also hand award top 3 supps in each category.

The nitric oxide thing works. Faster recovery and extended pump while lifting and I notice close to a 10 beat a minute drop in heart rate while running. If the effect wouldn't slowly fade I'd never quit taking it.

Nitric oxide (l-Arginine) is for increasing blood flow. It has nothing to do with recovery.

MrBlume - You guys are cracking me up with the vitamin s talk.

I'm not looking for huge results.

ever heard the phrase "go big or go home"?

Ultimate Orange

Bee's wax suppositories. Hey even if it doesn't work, at least you have an excuse to stick your finger up your ass.

Bill Pharoni - Nitric oxide (l-Arginine) is for increasing blood flow. It has nothing to do with recovery.

it helps repair muscle tissue,it has a few benefits to it.

For p90x you should look for a good e.c.a. to increase your energy so you can go a little harder,a big part of p90x is how hard you do it and how much intensity you put into it.

I dont recomend theyre protein drinks,theyre filled with sugar.I use optimum nutrition protein,i shoot myself with b12 once a week.Ive played around with a couple things but you cant beat a good diet,alot of veggies and fruits,the one must if your going to supplement would definitely be the protein.I usually try to get about 100 grams a day,a little bit before working out,sip every once in a while during,and immediately after working out i finish a big drink off.It uses most of its benefits the first hour after workout,but it takes a little while from the time you drink it to the time it starts working so you gotta take that into consideration

yea its not a bulk building program,but my guess is your looking to put on lean muscle mass which your gona pick some up.For me its enough to keep me from losing muscle mass and keep me in shape,everyone has theyre own goal out of it

If your wanting to be able to boost your workout to be able to work harder i would say get NOxplode. I take that stuff before any of my hard workouts and it is a killer!! Its a bit expensive but worth every penny.

NOxplode is the shit!

noxplode isn't that expensive if you think about it.

I get it at DPSNutrition for around $35 a jar. I get 60 servings, so it's a little over 58 cents a serving.

Alot of people like some kind of caffeine drink/supplement before going to the gym. How much is a can of red bull, Redline, NOX, or any of the other pre-workout drinks at your gym? $2-$4.

Most people just drink a cup of coffee before their workout for the caffeine boost though.

Thanks for all the comments.
I haven't started P90x Beachbody yet, I just bought it for traveling. I let you know the results.

So i'll try the protein powder for size. Acai seems interesting, so does NoExplode.

I guess my goals are to lose fat plus add some muscle. I don't want to lean too much right now. I plan on going with fewer reps to add that muscle strength. My exercise lately has been walking, jogging, push ups and sit ups.

I'll go with this:

lots of fruits
clean diet

protein powder
noexplode-- ill look into this
multi vitamin
green leafy powder

This seems like a lot.

PTSandman - noxplode isn't that expensive if you think about it.

I get it at DPSNutrition for around $35 a jar. I get 60 servings, so it's a little over 58 cents a serving.

Alot of people like some kind of caffeine drink/supplement before going to the gym. How much is a can of red bull, Redline, NOX, or any of the other pre-workout drinks at your gym? $2-$4.

Most people just drink a cup of coffee before their workout for the caffeine boost though.

its good if you never used it or if youve been off for 3 mnths or so,you build tolerance to it pretty quick and it starts to lose its results,its always good to alternate these types of workout energy giving types of supplements

MrBlume - Thanks for all the comments.
I haven't started P90x Beachbody yet, I just bought it for traveling. I let you know the results.

So i'll try the protein powder for size. Acai seems interesting, so does NoExplode.

I guess my goals are to lose fat plus add some muscle. I don't want to lean too much right now. I plan on going with fewer reps to add that muscle strength. My exercise lately has been walking, jogging, push ups and sit ups.

I'll go with this:

lots of fruits
clean diet

protein powder
noexplode-- ill look into this
multi vitamin
green leafy powder

This seems like a lot.

sounds good for the most part,only thing id say is creatine is gonna make you look bloated,not sure if you want that type of look or not? Some guys do,i hate it personally.Also once you get off of it your going to lose all of that water weight and your going to be lethargic for a couple weeks,if your already thin and want to put on muscle its probably worth it,if your trying to slim at all i wouldnt recomend it

the cardio one is a little bit tame,i use the "cardio plus" it has alot of interval training which is wayyy more effective,the yoga is by far the one that gives me the most trouble.The amount of time they have you in certain positions is a lil brutal,the ab workout is pretty brutal if you stay at theyre pace,the plus dvds are an upsell but theyre good,i think theres only 3 or 4 of them

 You can find the torrents for P90X if you look.

I did the easy version of the routine (Power 90) and dropped 30 pounds

Mike Russell -  Ephedrine and caffeine...

I am addicted to Ephedrine, only because I drive a truck at night.