Nate Diaz vs Oliviera, who takes it?

Both good BJJ, both lanky. Oliviera seems to be the more dynamic striker, Diaz has better cardio

Huge Diaz fan but I think Charles takes it at this point in time. If Nate was active, probably a different story.

Almost pains me type this...

Charles gasses out after the second round and Nate wins via tko

Nate via endurance and pure grit.

YaoMingia -

Charles gasses out after the second round and Nate wins via tko

Idk about that anymore. He did submit Lee in the third with a full tank of gas

Interesting matchup. I’d take Nate.

Acidic -
YaoMingia -

Charles gasses out after the second round and Nate wins via tko

Idk about that anymore. He did submit Lee in the third with a full tank of gas

Because lee was gassed and a mental midget 

The fans.

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Isn’t Nate done at 155?

Nate could take most of what Charles throws. He is also one of the worst matchups for Oliviera. His length and boxing would outlast Charles, and he wouldn't be lost the way most guys are with Charles's ground game. Calf slicers are newer to mma, but Nate has been around BJJ his whole life. The scrambles would be awesome, but where Charles usually finds success on people trying to escape or just giving up a position, Nate would have a plan B. If Oliviera could land a hard knee or something harder than he has shown so far, sure anything is possible. But I would go with Diaz as long as he shows up. Nate's biggest enemy has always been himself.

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Mr Spliff -

The fans.

Nate is bigger, tougher and has a better gas tank. He'd beat Charles down eventually.

Mr Spliff -

The fans.

This. Would be one of the sickest fights of all time.

]nate  looked past his prime vs mas

so i got oliv

I don't think Nate would take the fight

the nate that showed up against johnson is a big fucking problem for anyone at 55. trouble is that nate only ever shows up once every half decade or so and probably no longer exists at this point

Oliveira via whatever

JoseyWales -

I don't think Nate would take the fight

In other news sky is blue