Nathan Diaz and Jake Shields No Gi Seminar San Diego Sunday 10/8


Jake going to have to pay the PoPo

Is somebody paying money to have this thread pinned?

Not That I Know Of, figured its Thurs already and the seminar is Sunday .

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if u go u can thank jake for wooping that dipshit jackson


take pics if someone goes ps pls

Jake Shields was the only guy I was legit worried could take the belt from Georges. Jake just had a very particular style of grappling nobody else had. Glad I was wrong.

That would be acool seminar. Wished i could make it.

I’d love to go…and I’m old and don’t trane.?.

Nick_Diaz_Army doesn’t trane either, but he’d love to go just for the rush from violating Nate’s restraining order.