NDA in Hospital (Coma)

After hearing the sad news…

His final wishes were to have @Winston_Wolf and @JackMerridew at his bedside to clear the air…

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If that’s really him we have to find a way to help him out.

Jesus, What happened? That’s terrible.

GREAT NEWS: Ricky D’Ambrosio is home from the hospital recovering tonight. You’ll remember, the 21-year-old from Loomis was in a medically induced coma just a week ago due respiratory failure linked to vaping, according to his mother.

His family is thrilled that he’s doing better. FOX40

oh fuck i just realised it’s Boyd that posted this.
I like him but that isn’t very funny.

I’m ok guys

Here’s a photo of me taking a shit. My footwear is basically proof that it’s me amirite

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We have the same shitter floor at work

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Lol. We have two nice bathrooms in the front of the warehouse. And two nasty ones in the back

Everyone here uses the two nice ones in the front. I’m the only one in this building who uses this one in the back. But I’d rather use this one if no one else ever does

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May as well :woman_shrugging:t6:

It’s probably not that bad if there’s nobody else using it.

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From the floor of the bathroom at work:


It’s almost like it’s a cheap and easy coating to put on concrete.

What a wondrous world we live in!

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It gets the job done

Chappelles Show Poop GIF

Those who know

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Tiny feet, easy to knock over.

Size 9 crocs

Rooster Teeth Leg GIF by Achievement Hunter


Do Crocs run bigger or smaller?

I wear mostly Nikes and for Nikes I wear a 10.5