Need a good priced Gi

After almost 2 years off (work related) I will be restarting BJJ, at a new
school. I need a good priced Gi to train regularly in. I've had HCK (which
I liked), Padilla & Sons (great price, but shrunk), and Kimono Fighter-
Vasco (awesome Gi, pricey, was a x-mas gift from a girlfriend, but I feel
like a poser when I wear it for some reason). What are some good stores
that I may not know about to get a deal.

I see Atama has the Judo single for $50. I've checked grapplergear, jiutjsu
gear, any other you guys know. Don't really wanna spend over

atama summer weave it's like $ have some that look good and are quite cheap, i've ordered stuff thats came to england no bother

Check out or Both sites have good prices for awesome board shorts and rashguards!! Train without the Gi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I carry HCK and they start at $50, Adidas is about the same. For the money you can't beat HCK for a strong well built gi.
