need for sponsers for next fight

mike i never knew you liked me that much.its like we bonded or something which one are you going to i think it is time for us to hug.ttt nuri

I'll be in Revere. I'll only hug you if your wearing a bra. But not ONLY a bra.(no tricks)

Sorry Nuri . TTT for Nuri's bread!

ttt for the only guy around who is literally talking shit inside the ring through the entire fight

LOL, that is awesome!

Best Wishes.


"Say Goodnight" 


Reality Fighting is the place to go Jerry you lump head mutha! You and Randy can laguh at eachother's wounds. Good luck at Bruce's show Mike. See you at MD at end of April.

Thanx Guys Again, if there is no Shit talking then there is no point in fighting!!!!! But I will say That I will be in Mass on April Second for a good rematch Against Berger. I think it is going to be a Blood bath. But I feel I will win. Just a hard fought fight on both ends. If you want a war come see me in Mass. And also good luck to Lance in Jersey on the same day. He should kick some ass.
Mike I will be there on saturday!!!




About to jump off like A big dog