Need help from UG with woman/training problem

girlfriend recently showed interest in going to train where i do just to stay in shape and what not. the gym i go to is my place of peace where i can get away from the world and just train with the people in there. not sure i want her going there just because of so many potential bad side effects. can't just say no cause then shit goes crazy for me.
WAT DO?!?!?!?

buy her a membership to curves

I'm going to be honest with you since you'll probably be getting a bunch of trolling/macho man answers- if you tell her how you really feel, the main thing she will take out of it is that, even part of the time, you don't want to be around her. That is not good. My advice would be to be mature about it, and do your duty as a BF to help your GF. However, you do need to put your foot down, at least in some way, by letting her know- without qualifying, without question- that this is a place where you like to zone in, concentrate, focus, etc./whatever and you probably will not be very attentive to her because you are serious about what you are doing (or some other intangible bs like that). I don't know if your behavior at the gym contradicts this, but bottom line, you should present an unwaivering line that will not be crossed (she will try, don't be lame), while also making sure that line does not imply or involve any (conscious) choice on your part; ie if you don't want to be around her it's not your fault but rather, the circumstances dictate it as such. Just my 2c's.

Plus, it'll probably turn her on if you seem that serious/intense about something. Women like that crap, apparently.