need sponsor for gym!!!

The Jungle MMA and Fitness is looking for sponsors to put a new canvas and raise the floor on our 24ft cage.  with some of the fighters getting national coverage your logo which we will put on our cage floor and our web site has the potential to reach millions, not to mention almost 200 students on a daily basis. 

let us know here or by emailing at 

thanks guys!!


seth petruzelli're blue...did Tom hack your account and change your fighter status?

BTW, site looks good. Hope to head down that way someday and check out the gym.

 chris....change my damn name back to green u sexy mofo

 Seth's a lover, not a fighter...

But he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas.

 log out and in

 ttt for Seth and jungleMMA

 just did...still blue.   dont get me wrong, blue is my fav color....but im in a green mood


 oh yea....GREEN!!!!!

 Maybe Smoothie King can sponsor.

 Already getting feed back via emails.  Thanks guys!  Keep them coming. 

 lol ttt

ttt for seth!

 ttt for Seth and Tom...


I'll even consider changing the name of the gym if you buy a nice enough canvas

 blue>green IMO

 ttt for help

ttt for that canvas

 Wish I had the cash to do it man!


What about a bread company? Wonder maybe?
