neighborhood watch in aiea = yay!

 i wonder if a full community does this and has a private pig farm, they can dispose of crime permanently.  you think this would work?

Burglaries spur neighborhood crime watch in Aiea


Posted: wnRenderDate('Wednesday, August 4, 2010 2:31 AM EST', '', true); Aug 03, 2010 8:31 PM HST <!--END wnDate--> Updated: wnRenderDate('Wednesday, August 4, 2010 5:53 AM EST', '', true); Aug 03, 2010 11:53 PM HST <!--END wnDate-->

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Aiea's Aiea's "Night Out" effort

Ed Gayagas Ed Gayagas

McGruff the Crime Dog, in brown coat McGruff the Crime Dog, in brown coat

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By Duane Shimogawa - bio | email

AIEA (HawaiiNewsNow) - Some Central Oahu residents have had enough.

After three homes were burglarized recently, they decided to form a security watch group.

About a hundred people in Aiea's Newtown community gathered on Tuesday, as part of a national effort called "Night Out."

All porch lights in the area were turned on to signify support of the crime prevention program.

Organizers hope this event urges people to watch out for one another

"The best thing we could do is to be vigilant, be very cautious, very aware of what's going on and what we can actually do to correct the situation," Event organizer Ed Gayagas said.

One neighbor's home was broken into three times.

In the most recent incident, thieves busted open a safe, stole a gun, three laptops and jewelry.

Security vendors, several local businesses and even McGruff the Crime Dog were also at this event.

Copyright 2010 Hawaii News Now. All rights reserved.

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I want neighbors who will help me hide the body and give me a solid alibi


^^correct. if you get enough neighbors that will do this, you now have community. if you have enough communities that will do this, you then have culture. you have a militia to back that culture, you then have a country.

work backwards and you get whats sickening the u.s.

going down this list, something needs to be done to bring order. Judge Dredd Corps.... IMO

I agree. Kill all. Start from scratch...

FCTV808 - ^^correct. if you get enough neighbors that will do this, you now have community. if you have enough communities that will do this, you then have culture. you have a militia to back that culture, you then have a country.

work backwards and you get whats sickening the u.s.

HOLY SHIT!.....this is so much of the correct!

Sgt. Slaphead - 
FCTV808 - ^^correct. if you get enough neighbors that will do this, you now have community. if you have enough communities that will do this, you then have culture. you have a militia to back that culture, you then have a country.

work backwards and you get whats sickening the u.s.

HOLY SHIT!.....this is so much of the correct!

alas, most cannot (or will not) understand this and will instead fear this troof.

yes, they need to die.

kanotoa - Guys on my street are starting one, I hope it goes well, don't know what we are going to do other than exchange phone numbers and try to watch out for people.

Blood Oath to coverup and dispose of bodies?

I'm glad McGruff was pointed out to be in the brown coat. I was not sure which one he was.

F^&k neighborhood watch. We need Anti Micro Patrol.