Nelson talks too much? WTF?

Definitely has to do with the early stoppage of Kimbo, and it was done in a rather lacklustre fashion, love taps to the face while in the crucifix. At least with McSweeney he dropped them harder, but Kimbo not so much. Also with the editing, Nelson joked about it the night before, about just laying on him and tapping him until the ref calls it. That's not fighting to finish really.

Either way, I do like Big Country after all was said and done.

I think that Dana did not like Roy because Roy came on too strong at the beginning, acting overly familiar with Dana the way one of the coaches might.

Poopyface TomatoNose - People that hate on Roy are of the following:

1. Misunderstand confidence for cockiness.

2. Don't want to watch Roy fight because they are not sexually attracted to his body type.

3. Don't like that he doesn't kiss Dana's ass or that he's respectful to other fighters.

THIS. Good OP too Plum, totally agree. Roy's probably not going to win the strap but I think he's a great addition to the UFC roster. There's certainly worse HWs who are still around. Roy seems like good folks imo.

I have been down with Big Country since the IFL, and I am chuffed that he did this, but I knew he would make it.
As far as physique vs talent goes, guess who else has this fetish? Vince Mcmahon will take a no-talent, cut-up 300 pounder any day of the week over a normal sized, master promo cutting, ring general. It is an obsession with these guys. At least Dana does not 'roid up like Mcmahon. Have you ever seen Vince without a shirt, he puts current Lesnar to shame(WWE Lesnar was twice as big, so that does not count).

coming into the season of TUF, i knew he was the most experienced and supposed to be the best fighter,, but i didnt like him, his attitude or his fighting style...

but i was finally rooting for him in his fight with mcsweeny,, maybe cuz mcsweeny was being a bully to that linden guy...

anyway,,, i'll be rooting for Nelson on Saturday.

TTT for Roy. Very headstrong, self-reliant, and not an ass-kisser or game player. What's not to like about this guy? He exposes the man-lust in homos like Dana who fawn over fighters with carved up bodies and make sure to express old fashioned gay values like dissatisfaction over body fat.

Dana most likely has a secret room with life sized posters of all the hot bodies he wants in his org, starting with Overeem.

The first post reads like some dialogue from a "The Big Lebowski" sequel.

Oddly, I liked Roy more going into the season than coming out. Don't get me wrong - there are still many things to like, but his resistence to really learn from his coaches - and don't tell me he couldn't learn something from them, or at least give their suggestions a try - has put me off a bit. I do like his independence and not worshipping White's position. That said, if the guy ever put half as much energy into geting into marginal shape he'd be a top 3 heavyweight, and possibly exciting, instead a a fairly strong top 10 boring fighter. He's good enough to be around a long time, but not good enough to be The Man for any length of time - the talented heavies with gas tanks and striking power will always have it over him.

I don't really see him as cocky in the sense it has come to be known. Most of these guys have to put their opponent down, while he doesn't.

Zamiel - Wahhhh his advantage is a gut instead of more muscle or ridiculous natural speed.

He also has a great chin

Meohfumado - He's cocky...but pretty much all fucking fighters are fucking cocky.

Confidence is pretty much a necessity in the fucking fight game is it not? Not a lot of guys go into the fucking octagon and say, "Oh, I dunno how I'm going to do. I hope I don't get embarrassed." And why shouldn't he be cocky? Wasn't he one of the most experienced fighters on the show? Isn't that a good reason for a mother fucker to be cocky?

Dana just has fucking sand in his fucking vagina cause a fucking fat guy derailed the mother fucking Kimbo train.

Fucking Babe Ruth was a fucking fat, drunk womanizer and it didn't stop him from nearly saving baseball single-handled. Now...I ain't saying Big Fucking Country is Babe Fucking Ruth of MMA...not by a fucking long shot.

But what the fuck does being fucking fat have to do with being good at fucking sports? There some fat fucking football players...they are pretty damn fucking good at their sport. And some of them got more motherfucking money than Dana mother fucking White and what the fuck does that tell you?

Why does fucking fighting have to be any fucking different? Its a fucking skill like any other. It takes conditioning, strength, dedication, hand-eye-coordination, training and just pure fucking heart just like any other mother fucking sport.

"Oh...but Babe Ruth was a fucking baseball player...they aren't fucking athletes!

Oh...fucking football players only got to play half the fucking game, and the ball is rarely in play. The rest of the time they have their hands of their fucking hips!

MMA should like like greek fucking gods..." FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!

He's gotta fight fucking 3-five minute fucking rounds cockbag. He isn't entering the fucking Olympic decathalon trials! If he can go 3 fucking rounds, which he's fucking proven that he can fucking do, who gives a flying fuck if he's fucking fat?

Now when he starts needing to go fucking 5 can start wondering about his hippopotamic land mass of a mother fucking gut again. Until then it don't fucking matter if he's fucking fat.

Does he want to be a fucking fighter? Fuck yeah he wants to be a fucking fighter! And he's fucking proved it!

Fucking FRAT this fucking shit at your mother fucker leisure....

Wow. Dana would be proud of all the motherfucking going on here...

my problem with Nelson started after his fight with Kimbo aired and he went on radio and started bitchin and moaning about how he felt that they pushed for a Kimbo win and Herb Dean let the fight go longer in hopes of a Kimbo win. I'm no Kimbo nuthugger , actually I could care less about whether he wins or loses so I'm not here to defend him. I'm just saying that Nelson came off as a whiny little prick. Also to dicredit a referee like Herb Dean is ridiculous.

Its not even because Roy beat Kimbo,

Dana is just talking to create drama.  He needs people to either love Roy or hate Roy

 Nelson is the best fighter on TUF.  I liked him during his IFL time, and I like that he is confident and speaks his mind.  He has forgotten more about fighting than Dana knows.

After watching the series, I think it was edited to make Roy the bad guy. He dominated Kimbo and McSweeney. The fat boy can fight.