New Brown Belt / Carlson Gracie Team

My instructor Marcos Flexa tells me:

"My fren. Your belt is too old man."

Started BJJ in 2000 after 10 years of japanese jiu jitsu. Trained hard, bled, competed, won, lost, made friends, broke arms, got my arms broken & choked out many times, always teach real jiu jitsu from the heart, as it was taught to me...

Much respect for my first teacher, Mike Yanez of Team Popovitch.

Much respect to my friends and teammates old & new.

Much respect for my mestre, Marcos 'Flexa' Neves of Carlson Gracie Team.

BJJ is awesome. So much more to learn.

Daniël Bertina / BROWN BELT / Carlson Gracie Holland

bluenamer please:

It's too bad you have made so many enimies; you have no one who will write a "congrats" thread about you!

Well, congratulations anyway --That is an accomplishment to be proud of.


Yea the dumb screenname still haunts me. All because of a great Dub War song.

Thanks grandmaster shen! When do I get my melon coloured tip on my belt?

enemymaker - Yea the dumb screenname still haunts me. All because of a great Dub War song.

Thanks grandmaster shen! When do I get my melon coloured tip on my belt?

Soon as we get your E-promotion fee squared away.

 Way to go from the Carlson Gracie Team here in Las Vegas!

That's huge, congratulations!!!



Thanks playas. been wearing my belt around the house and yelling at my cat in my best wallid impersonation.Daniël / Faixa Marrom

Also, I'd like to add that there was no online instruction involved. I went to class and got beat up for many years, it's the old fashion way - I know...

'Also, I'd like to add that there was no online instruction involved.'

I was going to congratulate you, but now!!!

Posting blind:


Thank you my fren!

Congrats. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations... or as the Carlson crew would say:


enemymaker - Also, I'd like to add that there was no online instruction involved. I went to class and got beat up for many years, it's the old fashion way - I know...

You got your belt in person? What a fraud. It's things like this that will ruin BJJ. All the hardworking internet BJJ schools will have their reputations tarnished by the wannabes who are unwilling to spend their time submitting Youtube vids of themselves rolling. Instead, these frauds insist on actually going to a real school and training with a real life instructor who's actually there.

Shame on you Daniel.

Congratulations, Daniel!!! That is GREAT NEWS!!! Awesome!!!

Please say hello to Flexa for me.

enemymaker - Thank you my fren!

 No problem, man.  Congrats on the faixa marrom!
