New Buakaw Highlight

I know i'm not the best editor but I decided to make a highlight of probably one of my favorite fighters ever.

I was actually arguing with someone earlier who said Aldo would destroy Buakaw in the stand up easily which reminded me I had this highlight sitting in my computer for a couple months now so I decided to upload it.

Be warned it's not the best highlight in the world but I just wanted to share it.

Thanks for posting the highlight. Your friend is crazy, has he ever watched Buakaw fight? Phone Post

Wasnt a friend lol. It was some random guy on youtube. He basically said Aldo is better because he has never been KOed and Buakaw was KOed once.Eventually I stopped trying to persuade him because it was obvious he had no idea what he was talking about. Anyways hope you enjoyed the highlight.

nice highlight man ! muay thai vids always appreciated...

There's no one in the UFC in any weight class that would beat Buakaw in a pure stand up fight.

jyt - Wasnt a friend lol. It was some random guy on youtube. He basically said Aldo is better because he has never been KOed and Buakaw was KOed once.Eventually I stopped trying to persuade him because it was obvious he had no idea what he was talking about. Anyways hope you enjoyed the highlight.

Yeah, you can't win an argument with those guys. Phone Post

Not relevant but...

Did anyone else have to read the thread title twice?

The internet has done horroble, horrible things to my brain.

Nice one man, thanks for the post.

That guy is crazy... Buakaw is nasty. I can entertain thoughts on Pacquiao vs Buakaw because both are strikers, but one cannot compare the level of striking just because Aldo can also throw leg kicks and jabs. 

Haha the guy called me a stupid uneducated idiot for saying Buakaw would beat Aldo. He also said Aldo and Pettis are better than Buakaw because they are more successful. Sigh.... people on the internet these days.

jyt - Haha the guy called me a stupid uneducated idiot for saying Buakaw would beat Aldo. He also said Aldo and Pettis are better than Buakaw because they are more successful. Sigh.... people on the internet these days.

Wow, pretty comical how ridiculous people can be. Phone Post

For later Phone Post