New Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut video!

Bad asses! Don't mess with them. They would dominate MMA if they choose to...

Put them against these guys; and you have the fight card of the century!


The son, Shane, has been talking about doing MMA for a long time......

"The son, Shane, has been talking about doing MMA for a long time...... "

I know some of Shane's students, they speak very highly of him..Something about being the 9th level black panther...with all wins in real fighting..When I ask about any sanction events they say thats not real fighting..I like these guys but their worshipers..

He used to do continuous point at Tat Mau Wong's tournament, so they obviously do some "sanctioned events"...

"continuous point at Tat Mau Wong's tournament"

Excuse, my ignorance..Is that point fighting or real contact fighting like ISKA fullcontact, MT or SanShou rules?



it is a kind of point fighting

I'm sure Shane's Son is a Grandmaster of Tiger Style Gung Fu. He is a devastating opponent. Also a master of the Crane Technique.

don't make fun of crane technique, you do right, no can defend!

don't make fun of crane technique, you do right, no can defend!"

Man, you kill me!


After watching that, I couldn't help but think of the Star Wars kid video.

LOL @ Tat Mau Wong.. I haven't heard that name in a while..

he used to host Kung Fu theater Saturday nights on ch 26 in the Bay
Area.. he would intro the show with a karate chop to his assistant's body.

there are just no Kung Fu theater nights anymore on TV..

KTVU Channel 2 here used to have Bruce Lee week.. or Clint Eastwood

I need my own cable channel

"he used to host Kung Fu theater Saturday nights on ch 26 in the Bay Area"

Yep, good times..

parklife, steyr - Hey, I used to watch Kung Fu theatre with Tat Mau Wong too. The movies were always crappy, but some were entertaining. Before Wong there was a guy named Byong Yu that hosted a similar type of show.

I miss KTVU's Bruce Lee week too. And for the record, I also miss the old Creature Features show.

The good ole days.

"Creature Features show"

Yep, with Bob Wilkens? Wow, you must be old like me..


good times..

I almost forgot he hosted that show.... that was a while ago, no?

Cailifo is an excellent form of Kung-fu. So excellent I included it into my style, KUNG-JUTSU (a style so powerful you have to type it out in caps).

And then we wonder why Kirik sold this shit-hole hahaha