New Canadian BJJ Rank Directory

Hi all

Since I had a bit of spare time and an appropriate URL I decided to put a rank directory together listing higher-ranking BJJ practitioners in Canada. I used the list I found here as a start. If you visit the site you will see how I have begun to format it. The site is still very much a work in progress and is VERY ugly. Hopefully I will be able to dress it up a bit in the coming weeks. I "think" such a site like this would be helpful. If you see some errors on the data that I have listed please email me the changes (the email address is listed on the site). If you want to be listed on the site the details on how to do so are also there. If you have some suggestions on how it could be improved I would be happy to receive them although I warn everyone in advance my web skills are at about a 2-stripe white belt level:)


Awesome! What a generous donation of time and effort to the Canadian BJJ community!

Brilliant Idea for a website.

Be sure to visit the bottom sponsor's website.

Nice photos of Rebecca. :)

Didn't see Fateh on there......Where's Dougie when you need him???

Really cool website!

Thanks guys. I know there are tons of people missing but I didn't want to guess about affiliation, etc. I will add anyone who emails me the required info.


 I'm right here!

 I'm sure Fateh isn't too upset about being missing. LOL!

In either case, if you're not going to have a section for blue belts then I would cut it out all together. It just takes up bandwidth.

Otherwise it looks great! Clean and simple!

Fateh is on there now:)

Delete the blue belt page you mean?


Great idea Mike! Can you send me your email address to


mail sent

 Thanks for taking the time!

Where's the whitebelt page?

Mike, yes, delete the blue belt page if you are not going to have a list. It just takes up space. Like I said though, it looks clean and easy to download.

Blue belt page deleted.

Thanks for the emails everyone. I have made all of the additions.

I have checked the stats and the site is getting a lot of hits. Very cool!

any more names?

Interesting that there are more black belts than brown and purple. Could you imagine if someone threw a Black Belt money Pro Division at a GI tournament???

 Cool idea Mike!

Brown Belt

Karim Byron (BTT)

Damien Sabourin (BTT)

Wade Shanley (BTT)


Purple Belt

Ron Langlois (BTT)

Ryan Kellar (BTT)

Bob P (BTT)

Shahram Rashti (BTT)


Ronin MMA


Please email me the names to be listed (so I can keep track of them in one place). My email is on the site. Only the browns will be necessary as I am only listing purples who run their own clubs.

Thanks Wade.
