New drawing. Old school UFC 1 Royce Gracie

Hey UG. Check out the latest drawing. UFC 1, Royce Gracie. Hope you like it. Also, got a 2 for 1 going. Buy Royce, get Helio free at Thanks boys and girls!
 photo Royce_Gracie_zpsilp3lwf2.jpg

 photo buy royce_zpss5cjnktk.jpg

Great holiday gift!!


Excellent work, as always. Not sure why but "Buy Royce, Get Helio Free" made me chuckle :-)

You drew this by hand? My god that's impressive. Phone Post 3.0

I have to ask how long does it take you to make this art? It's amazing. 

You continue to amaze

Great work! Phone Post 3.0

All your work is so impressive. 

Frederick Ettish -

You continue to amaze

Evan, have you ever done one of these of Fred? Phone Post 3.0

These are so awesome. Jus sent a pic to Royce 

Absolutely incredible. 

OP that is so so so dope. I may be opening a gym next year. If so I'll be in touch

Thats awesome 

Great stuff!